yellow tang very aggressive last addition


we finally put in our last fish in the 210 in the office over the weekend..the yellow tang i wouls say medium like about 4.5 inches...anyways hes bullying the GHT and Crosshatch and totally annoying the powder blue tang and this morning we found the PBT dead. very sad
I figured different sizes the fish were well fed and different familys in a 210 with 300 lb of LR should be ok..but the yellow tang is from hell..if I can say that lol...he keep flicking his sharp tail and the triggers I know triggers have hardy skins or scales but can this kill or harm the triggers the crosshatch is almost 7 inches and the GHT is 6 inches they are not fighting back just swiming away...why is the yellow tang so bold and daring doesn't he know one bite from either trigger and hes dead ?
I let all the workers here get double lunch when a fish passes away I need to time to get over it so they are sad for me but happy they get a 90 min lunch. it's sad to lose a fish of 18 months...he got along with the triggers but maybe ut was an error to put in a yellow tang last.


can a yellow tang hurt a GHT trigger of samesize..i would think this aggressive trigger would be able to tear apart the yellow tangif thretaned.


my yellow tang ate a zoa colony and 4 pepermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp...i thought they were supposed to be vegatarians
its rare but there are some crazy tangs out there and looks like we got them


Active Member
Your GHT and crosshatch are eventually going to get fed up with the yellow tang and are going to kill it.
All it takes is for the yellow tang to actually inflict pain on the triggers and it will be all over for that guy.


take the yelow tang out return it. tell them what happened and they might give you a replacement for your pbt. one of my lfs did that for me once.


Originally Posted by txfishman
take the yelow tang out return it. tell them what happened and they might give you a replacement for your pbt. one of my lfs did that for me once.
That must be a nice LFS. Mine doesn't even let you return live fish. You can only return them within 48hours if they die.


lfs only care about making money if i didnt use the boards i wouldve lost thousands of dollars and felt terrible watching endless fish dying. the only guarentees are online.


i have a 6" yellow tang and the other day i added a 5-6" naso tang and with in seconds it was laying on the bottom dead from the yellow tang.. there was nothing i could do i tryed to get the fish out but couldn't get to him... i also have read that if you put different shaped tangs together they get along but not with this tang..


it doesnt make sense a yellow tang killing a 6 inch naso in seconds ? they don't have teeth...sounds like the fish you got was freaked out or something odd happend like a heart attack ??? can you make any sense of it ?


the yellow tang was beating with its spine in its tail as soon as i put the fish it had it pinned in the back corner beating wildly..


Active Member
Sounds like a case of bad fish personality. Just goes to reitirate the fact that every fish has a different temperament, no matter what the breed. That yellow tang sounds like a monster and I'd return him to the lfs.


I had the same issue with my yellow I ended up taking the tank apart and getting him out so I could add my new unicorn tang I gave the yellow to my buddy for his 65


well we ordered for the office tank 210 fowlr a purple tang same size as the yellow tang normally the purple tang should hold its own..but this yellow tang is a beast... we had it in qt in LFS lfs for 3 weeks...we expect it tom.,i'm thinking to give away the yellow tang to the LFS for a trade. it's unfair they value the 5 inch yellow tang at $6 cost us to but $50. not gonna be a fair trade.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss

I think the loss in money when you take the YT is the last of your worries. If you don't take it back, you may end up with more dead fish or the YT may be dead. It's not worth the money to have all your fish stressed out by this new addition. Just take him back... that's what I'd do.