yellow tang w/ick

my yellow tang has what looks like ick i was told my cleaner shrimp should help clear this up alittle it this true i dont have a seperate tank right now to put him in so what else could i do


Staff member
The cleaner shrimp may or may help to pick off ich that is on the body surface of fish. It will not get rid of the ich problem itself however, only, "maybe", what is on a fish.
so what should i do i dont have any corals just a few shrimp a salley light foot fish and 20lbs lr and about 120lbs of ls any suggestions


Staff member
You can't adequately treat ich in a tank with LR, LS or inverts. You'd need to treat them in a hospital tank.


Staff member
No, inverts don't get fish diseases. You can try a "reef safe" medication. I don't use them, and can't endorce them. They are not as effective. But you can try it.


Staff member
Water changes won't help at all. Ich is a parasite that is introduced into the fish tank by a fish that is infected. It is highly contagious. Have you added new fish lateley??
If you can find temporary home for your LR and inverts, you can do hyposalinity on your main tank, which will cure the ich.
Do a search on ich and hyposalinity under my username, you will get a good deal of info on both.