yellow tang w/ red spots


I just got a yellow tang and he has developed some red splotches. Is this do to stress? He is hiding in the back of the tank which I assume is normal until he gets acclimated.


Active Member
Red spots may indicate tissue inflamation, which could be parasites.
Is the fish breathing rapidy? Are his fins clamped? Is he staying near the surface of the water, in an area where the water flows very quickly?


I think so near the top of the fish. It is hard to see because everytime I get near the tank he runs and hides. It looks like there might be one vein coming from the spot


Active Member
It looks as if your fish may be infected by a bacteria. The bacteria sounds like it is causing hemorrhagic septicemia, which is a blood poisoning that causes blood cells to rupture.
Any medication which contains tetracycline should clear it up (most bacteria cures). If you can, try to get ahold of Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride.
Make sure you use the medication in a quarantine tank. Also, I'd wait 1-2 days to see if it clears up on its own, as medicating a fish is very stressful for it.
Make sure you do not have open wounds on your hands when medicating the fish, as this sort of bacteria is a zoonosis (infects both humans and animals) and can cause granuloma on your hands.


Active Member
And finally, some more info on the disease:Common Name:
Hemorrhagic Septicemia

Various organisms, Ammonia spike
Physical Signs:

Distinct bright red streaks on fins (caused by vascular inflammation due to systemic/bloodborne bacterial infection) and occasionally patchy red discoloration on the flanks of the body.
Behavioral Signs:

Depends on severity of condition. If due to ammonia, may show in conjunction with hyperventilation (fast breathing) and gasping at the surface, erratic swimming, etc.

Broad spectrum antibiotic. Can resolve spontaneously in some fish if source of water quality problem is removed.


Active Member
How old is your system and more importantly is your system completely cycled? Ammonia can cause red splotches. The splotches are usually around the gills but can be anywhere from what I have read


almost 2 months and I have checked the Amonia levels it has spiked several weeks ago but since then has been non-exsistant
checked it yesterday and it was at 0


I would also check your test kit with your local lfs, boy would it suck if your test kit wasn't working properly.