Yellow Tang went POSTAL!!


Today, out of the clear blue sky, my yellow tang decided that he didn't like the Blonde Naso Tang anymore. So...he back him into a corner and proceded to do backward swimming thing and thrashing his slikes at the Naso. After the Yellow wouldn't stop I took him out and put him in the QT tank. Now, my question is...Has anyone heard of clipping the Tangs spikes? The guy at the lfs said he could do it and I would make sure no harm came to the Naso. Has anyone done this before? Does this work? ANd why do you think he went ballastic?


Yeah, I did say that and now i'm kicking myself. I forgot to knock on wood! I jinxed myself. Now I don't know what to do. If it comes down to it the Yellow is going back to the lfs. I hope his stay in the qt tank will straighten him out. What are my other options?

sinner's girl

i don't know the tank set up but could you get a tank divider? or would that make each side too small?


It's only a 55, so I think that idea wouldn't work. Plus I don't like the idea, but thanks for the advice. I just wish that they would play nice again!


Active Member
How big's the naso? thess tangs are notorious for being abused by other tangs until they get mad at which time they let those zebrasoma's knwo who's boss.
I've seen it in many a tang community tank.


The Naso is probably 4" and the Yellow is a little bigger. The Yellow was in the tank longer then the naso so I think he thinks he is the boss. Does the Naso have two spikes compared to the Yellow's one? Are they even called spikes?


putting 2 tangs in a 55 you were asking for trouble. tangs are very territorial and a 55 is not enough space for them. you probably wouldve been ok with the yellow by himself. the blonde naso will get to big for the 55. they can get 18" and should be in a 125 or larger. the yellow tang is a hardier but more aggressive species and should be added last, they can get very nasty to any new tank mates. i would consider getting a lot bigger tank or finding a new home for the naso


Well the problem is is that this is mine and my girlfriends tank and she HAD TO HAVE the blonde naso. I new the risks and was hesitant, but took the chance. I am planning on setting up a 150 gal over the summer, but that is months away. I think I need to decide which to keep for now.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here are some last ditch options IMO. You are in the hole already so this is what I would try. Leave the yellow in the QT for now. In the mean time rearrange the tank and let the naso settle for a few days. What I have also done before is used those guppy breeding tanks made of clear plastic to seperate quarelling species, but this was with smaller fish, and done at introduction. That probably wouldn't help seeing as this is a problem that developed. Regarding territorialism, there are basically two types, the ones that get better and the ones that get worse. The only ones that get better are when fish are introduced and the aggression dies down. Anyway, try what I said above. When you add the yellow back see what happens. My guess is that the aggresion will be go away only to come back when the yellow gets comfy again. Be careful though, all that moving of tangs is stressful and even a novice is familiar with the disease magnets called tangs.
Oh and by the way, the trimming of the surgeon I have never heard of and wouldn't try myself. Even without the surgeon, the tang would probably continue tail waiving until it was stressed out. Yellow tangs are little #^%$&&es and should be saved for larger tanks. Maybe they get mad at all the snooty more expensive tangs?


Thanks a lot that was really good advice. That is what I am going to try to do. The Yellow is still in the quarantine and I am going to move some rockwork tomorrow. I am praying that everything will be ok. And yeah, I definatley think that the Yellow is just jealous of his more valued conterpart.