Yellow Tang with concaved stomach


My yellow tang has a concaved stomach. You easily see that its indented and its organs and vessils. MY question is why is my yellow tang having this problem if it eats everything on its plate? He acts fine, there is no stress and he swims fine. I feed him a variety of foods and their is algae in his diet. Here is a pic of my yellow but you really can't see his stomach, just picture.



How often do you feed? Is there Nori available for him to graze on all the time. Concave belly = starving.


Active Member
give him some algae sheets. my 3 yellow tangs were in qt for ick and developed hlle and got thin. put them back in my ds fed them: mysis, omega 3 brine shrimp, marine cuisine, squid(all w/ kent garlic extreme) and algae sheets now they are fat happy pigs!!! when they were thin, i fed them 2 smaller feedings instead of just one regular feeding. He deff looks like hes very thin, is he developing pits behind his eyes?? this is a sign of malnutrition


Clip Nori to the tank always have some for him to graze, and feed more often. I feed 2-3 times a day. I have no water issues, I also know people who feed once a week and the fish like that. I prefer fat and happy fish.
Mysis , cyclopeeze, etc. Not just flakes. Not saying that's what you have been doing.


I just fed my yellow a bunch of spirulina flakes. I ususally have algae sheets but I lost them so I have to buy some new ones. I guess I thought he had some internal parasite but its just him not getting enough food.


Active Member
He is not getting a varied diet either. This is very important. I would pick up at least 3 or 4 frozen foods, and hit them all with vitamins and garlic. As far as vitamins, I like Zoe, Selcon, and VitaChem. Good frozen foods are things like Formula A and B, Algae Formula, Reef Formula, and things like that. These types of food offer a huge variety to your fish and it does not take any extra work on your part.
I would start feeding smaller portions of food twice per day using the things I recommended above.


Active Member
Okay, that's good, but please take into consideration that he will not get fatter and healthier unless he is offered a variety of foods and vitamins.


Active Member
not to hijack the thread or anything, but lion the 3 yellow tangs are doing awesome!! fat and happy!! thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
not to hijack the thread or anything, but lion the 3 yellow tangs are doing awesome!! fat and happy!! thanks for the help
wonderful. That is what I like to hear!


WEll good news guys, I have been feeding him algae sheets again and have been feeding him more and he is already gaining weight.