Yellow Tang with Lymphocytis


I purchased a yellow tang 10 days ago. Four or five days ago I noticed a large white nodule (looks something like Cauliflower florets) on the edge of the pectoral fin. There is only one at this time. Also this fish has black spot. The tang has several spots on each side. The fish is swimming and eating fine. The fish is in a 10 gal QT with several dead corals. There is little swimming room. Water parameters are Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0, Phosphates 0, Ph 8.2 and temp around 82 (trying to get temp down). The fish is eating all foods offered, Frozen and Omega One flakes.
Should I remove the fish and place it into the display (72 gal setup for 4 months) or leave the fish in the QT? The only fish that is in the 72 gal is a Yellow Watchman Goby with several cleaner shrimp and snails. If I remove the fish should I remove the white nodule? Or should I treat the black spot then move to the display? How do I treat black spot?
Thanks Lorin


Thanks Terry, I dropped the salinity a few days ago to 1.019. I will start hyposalinity today. I have vitamins and will start those next feeding. I will find some beta glucan. Thanks Again Lorin :)