Yellow Tang with small dark spots


I got a yellow Tang two weeks ago. I didn't notice untill yesterday that she has really small blue or black specs on her body and top(dorsil?) fin. They almost look like air bubbles on her but are dark in color and are also smaller. She doesn't scratch or act abnormal. Am feeding algae sheets and brine cubes. My water parameters are as follows. PH.8.1 amonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate high at 30 am going to do water change to lower this. Temp is 80.2 and SG is 1.023-4. Tank size is 135 gals. Occupants that aren't paying rent:D Three percula clowns. 1 lyre tail anthias, 1 Lawnmower blenney, 6 blue damsels and 4 striped damsels.And ole yeller herself. I have 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded 5 camel back shrimp 13 peppermint shrimp. 4 feather dusters, 25-30 scarlet hermits, 20 snails, 8 Emerald Crabs 2 briitle stars and 1 red general star. Unfortunatly I am using C.C. and UGF I have three P.H. I am running a seclone 150 skimmer. Now after all this info are the spots on Yellow anything to be concerned about and if so what is the remedy Dr. Tanks for the help and may your fish poop in crystal clear water:D


Check the Diseased Fish thread. There are two pictures of a yellow tang with black ich, this could be what your tang has. It is a flatworm parasite. You didn't say anything about putting the tang in a QT before being put in the main tank so I'm assuming you don't have a QT. Sometimes these diseases don't show for a few weeks, which is why everyone suggests having a QT for new fish.


Staff member
That is black ich. The example picture is in the Diseased Fish thread. The treatment is formalin bathes. The procedure is explained in the FAQ Thread.