yellow Tang


New Member
Help i have a small reef setup and my inhabitants are dominoes lawnmower blenny, banded coral shrimp, snails, coral any way i got my yellow tang yesterday the day my shrimp decides to shed and this morning my shrimps big claws are gone ripped off will the yellow tang do this every one was fine until the yellow tang? :notsure:


Yellow tang should not do that. My tang is scared of all. I personally do not think he did anything here.
Lastly make sure you take special care of the your water since yellow tangs have problem if you do nto keep on top of it.
Your tank is a 46 as your profiles say, kind of small for a tang but that is me. Make sure you have plenty of seaweed for him.


I personaly have not seen a yellow tang yet but there could be.
I think the smallest tank size for a yellow tang is like a 70 or 75..they like to swim!