Yellow Tang


I just bought a yellow tang. For these fishes to pace back and forth, is this common behavior?


Also, for food, I was told to buy Nutrafin MAX Marine Complete Food (slow sinking morsels). Apparently the yellow tang does not eat this. I also researched that they like greens. Any ideas or suggestions?


Active Member
I don't have advice for you, but I just thought I'd share that from about 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time until early in the morning, this forum is asleep (most of it, anyway). People must go to bed early around here. =)
And if you're wanting advice on what to feed your tang, the Search function is extremely helpful. :)


Active Member

Originally posted by dhav79
I just bought a yellow tang. For these fishes to pace back and forth, is this common behavior?

If you have him in that 29 gallon then that may be the reason, Tangs require a much larger tank to survive long term and will stress out if stuffed into a small tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by dhav79
Also, for food, I was told to buy Nutrafin MAX Marine Complete Food (slow sinking morsels). Apparently the yellow tang does not eat this. I also researched that they like greens. Any ideas or suggestions?

Yellows are herbivores, you need to pick him up some Nori strips and a clip(most LFS sell the clips and most grocery stores sell Nori(look in the sushi section)



Originally posted by lefty
about 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time until early in the morning, this forum is asleep (most of it, anyway). People must go to bed early around here.

that's cause it's 12:30 eastern time and a lot of us have jobs... :D


I just wanted some advice on food guys. I understand my tank may be small. But, so far so good. He is enjoying his new home.
Algea pellets?


As far as food...
But I have to point out that you, in the same thread stated...
"For these fishes to pace back and forth, is this common behavior?"
Followed by...
" But I understand my tank may be small. But, so far so good. He is enjoying his new home."
Now this should tell you something but if it doesn't then I will clarify. I do not mean to offend you and I sincerely apologize if I do because that is NOT my intent. My intent is to help you understand the needs of your new pet and adjust your arrangements accordingly. Your fish there needs room to swim. Tangs are reef safe fish, but they are not actual reef fish. They are actually found in the stronger currents just "around" reef areas. So I believe that it would not be a proper statement for even me to say that my fish is enjoying their new home, and mine lives in a 90. We cannot provide the ocean for them, but we should provide the best we can. And if our best is still inadaquate, then we should consider another species. :) :)