yellow tang


New Member
I have a yellow tang in a 30 gallon tank, with a purple chromis and a pajama cardinal. the tang seems to have some discoloration around its eyes, almost pale looking. Sometimes when I add fresh water to the tank, thus lowering the salinity level he seems to look better, but lately there has been no change. What can this be caused by, or could it just be the color of my fish. the others seem fine.


Im starting a saltwater tank for the first time so I dont know much, but what I heard is that tangs need humugous tank (over 55 gallons). I dont know if that would affect his coloration or if only certain tangs need the larger tangs, but, it could be a possibility. Dont take my word for it.


As Danscorp correctly stated, your tang may be getting stressed. Tangs need, on average, at least 6 feet of swimming room. Most likely your 30gal tank is too small for him to swim enough to be happy. You may want to take him back to your LFS and see if you can trade for another fish. Both you and him will be happy that you did.


New Member
there are many other fish in the tank (2 other small ones) and I heard that a 30 gallon is ok for tangs. He has been living in there for almost a year now. : (


Yes, My book says that yellow tangs need a minimum of 75g, but i had also wanted to buy one for my 29g, The pet store keeps three in a 40g tall (same width and length, just differenet heigth) they looked beautiful, just a little snappy at each other. They are very shy fish, they keep more in the 100g, they run into the coral when anyone walks up. Their 100g is filthy, covered in algae (hair algae, reg. algae, etc.), is that healthy for the fish? And with the yellow tang, could you trade it out when it gets to be full size? and it still be healthy? ~*thanks a bunch, love ya*~



Originally posted by cheets22
there are many other fish in the tank (2 other small ones) and I heard that a 30 gallon is ok for tangs. He has been living in there for almost a year now. : (

Yes, he may have been living in there healthy for a year, but you are now having problems, right? Get him out or he will die. Your tank is way too small.
Where did you hear that a 30 was ok for a tang??
Originally posted by southcoral

The pet store keeps three in a 40g tall

The pet store isn't keeping them as pets. Depending on their sales and number of tangs, they might only have each tang for a few weeks before it is sold.


Active Member
He probably was okay at first..but is bigger and needs some swimming room. Please tank the fish to the lfs...he will die soon from stress if you do not.


i myself own a 29g, i've asked my pet store they said as long as you return him in good health, it'll be fine they'll trade him for a fish worth his amount or a smaller yellow tang. So check with your store if it's ok to trade out every now and then. I did that with fresh water fish anyway. I don't know, maybe my lfs is different, but they've never lied to me to try and sell me something. They've discouraged me from buying certain things because they wouldn't live in my tank. ~*best of luck love ya*~