Yellow Tang


New Member
So I purchased a yellow tang last week and its been doing fine, but I've spent the day watching the tank on and off all day. This tang seems to be nipping on the side of the tank where the adhesive is... I've been shooing it away all day but now I'm wondering if its normal... It nips on the rocks and coral, I guess for food but the side of the tank just seems weird... Any thoughts?



tangs like to eat algae......therefore the "nip" at stuff

How old is your tank? It looks really clean.....You should buy some algae sheets and a clip for the tang also


perfectly normal.... I have had a yellow tang for three years in my 90 gal.... He is getting medium size but plenty of swimming room. I feed him nori sheets with drops of garlic.... he eats anything


New Member
Meowzer - I started the tank on 8/3, I had it cycling for about 3 weeks and then added some green chromis. Then I started getting all this algae, my LR and LS were brown... So I posted it and got some feedback on what to do. I purchased a CUC and about a week later purchased 3 Mexican turbo snails... Tank is clean, although I do get some algae on the glass, I clean off the front and sides but leave the back for the snails.

I will definitely get some algae sheets for the tang. Thanks.

Scrapman, thanks for the input. I've heard of the garlic and will have to get some of that too... Tangs are awesome.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by newaquagirl http:///t/396346/yellow-tang#post_3531167
Meowzer - I started the tank on 8/3, I had it cycling for about 3 weeks and then added some green chromis. Then I started getting all this algae, my LR and LS were brown... So I posted it and got some feedback on what to do. I purchased a CUC and about a week later purchased 3 Mexican turbo snails... Tank is clean, although I do get some algae on the glass, I clean off the front and sides but leave the back for the snails.

I will definitely get some algae sheets for the tang. Thanks.

Scrapman, thanks for the input. I've heard of the garlic and will have to get some of that too... Tangs are awesome.


You got all good input from Meowzer and Scrapman, just large is your tank? Yellow tangs need a 6 foot tank as a rule, and if not then make sure they can swim all the way around the tank by having the live rock only in the center...that way they can swim and swim without feeling hemmed in. They get mean and fight the other fish for territory, and "pace" if they are feeling cramped in a tank that's too small for them. Which leads to stress, and they often get sick with HLLE


New Member
Hi Flower! The tank is a 72 gallon bow front. Right now it's the tang and 4 small green chromis in there with about 30lbs of rock and coral in the middle... And of course my CUC. Not great aquascaping, but I can't figure out what to do with it...



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by newaquagirl http:///t/396346/yellow-tang#post_3531253
Hi Flower! The tank is a 72 gallon bow front. Right now it's the tang and 4 small green chromis in there with about 30lbs of rock and coral in the middle... And of course my CUC. Not great aquascaping, but I can't figure out what to do with it...

I can't get a bigger picture to come up, but for what I can see of it, it looks pretty good. You have some caves, and the fish can swim around it front and back you say....great. Make sure your rock is on the bottom of the tank, not on the sand, the build has to be stable, otherwise the shifting sand will allow a rock slide that can crush critters or break the tank.

Saltwater tanks evolve, the coralline algae will turn the rocks different beautiful colors over time. What it looks like now, all bleached white, is not what it will look like in a year.


New Member
Sorry can't make the picture bigger... The rocks were full of algae a couple of weeks ago but that's what it looks like after I got the Mexican turbo snails... Those things are amazing.

There is room in front and behind the rocks, but I think I will have to sort them again cause the tang has to turn in order to get through the caves...


Most likely what most ppl said but I have a unlikely fun theory. Puffers teeth grow fast and they like to nibble on rocks so maybe the teeth are growing on the tang. No likely though and just a fun little thing


I knTangs don't have the same mouth structure as puffers. Different food source. I know remember I said just a fun theory