yellow tang


New Member
My yellow tang has been in the tank for about a year and a half. just recently he has been acting like speedy gonzales, zipping back and forth in the tank and as soon as the light goes out in the evening, he makes a beeline for the top, banging his pudgey little beak on the top glass cover. Now he has buried himself under the largest live rock in the tank. Why? Oh, and this is the same place the 14" snowflake eel calls home. What should I do? Take him out because he is near death? Or just wait and see what happens?


How big is your tank because they need at least six feet for swimming because of their liking at swimming in high speed also the snowflake won't kill it because it can't fit on its mouth but it may attack


New Member
Hey Zoi,

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, tang died. Have had him for about a year and a half. Tank is 55ga, so about 4 feet in length. Also lost a blue cromie. I have checked the water constantly and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Nitrates flutuates a bit, but for the most part, everything seemed normal.

Also as unfortunate, I found the tang in the cave where "Elio" (the snowflake) calls home and while picking up the rock it slipped and I pinned Elio under the rock. It is quite large and heavy and I think I may have hurt him. He seems a little "weird" almost like he may have been crushed. I guess it's just a wait and see type of thing. I purchsed Elio when he was about 3 inches long and now he is about 14 inches, so he has been around a while as well.

I guess its just been a bad day in the "Insanaqarium" for all of them.

Thank you again for your reply.



Im very sorry but you should check on the eel more because you may think it's his home but maybe it is that there is no more hiding spots so when someone approaches him he will get nervous and possibly attack the fishes also to make him happy and comfortable by giving him a little cave and crustaceans


Also I have a yellow tang myself but I bought him since he was a baby and he has been used to the tank size and when he acts crazy I get him plants from the beach like mermaids fan p.s I have a octopus his name is paul


New Member
Thanks Zoi. He actually has a nice little cave in the back corner of the tank. Lots of in's and out's. But he tends to like this spot more. I think after I put spongebob in the tank, he became a little bitchy.

Years ago, with a different tank, a roommate wanted to buy something for the tank. It was an octopus. I didn't know it until all my fish gradually started to disappear.

btw. Elio appears fine this morning. Gave him some shrimp for breakfast and will be heading out to get him some "live playmates/dinner guests" (crabs, shrimp) today.

ps. coming to San Juan in March, maybe I'll look you up.


Puerto Rico is the best you see fishes every where the good thing is that I live on the beach so I pick the hermit crabs and he eats them so he won't attack the fish