yellow tang


New Member
I just purchased a beautiful yellow tang, I was wondering how much and how often to feed this fish, all the fish I have had have been small. any advice or keeping this fish healthy and happy.


Active Member
i just got a yellow tang also, and i bought a container of food called "sea veggies" i fed a little bit to my tang tonight and he seemed to love. probably give a little bit to him once a day.


Active Member
Some excellent advice could be...thoroughly research the animal, then ask questions, then purchase the animal...


Well-Known Member
I feed my yellow falke food once per day. I also add macro algaes which he loves. He also loves hair algae from my macro culture tank.
So I would recommend that if you do not have some live macros you start culturing it for him.


Active Member
As I'm sure you know Tangs are prone to HLLE. Do some research on HLLE for ways to prevent it. Most importantly is a proper died and nutrient supplements. I feed my PT once a day, Formula 2 for the most part and I have Prime Reef and Formula 1 for occasions. He also gets seaweed salad and grape caulerpa regularly.
Zoecon and Selcon are good vitamins and very good for a healty Tang:)
Also you may want to add a ground probe.


Active Member
Wow..I was hardly trying to be a smarta$$...was simply offering you some advice...
They are your fish, it is your do as you please...
In this hobby, knowledge is power, the power is to be able to provide a habitat conducive of where the specimen originates...
Maybe I worded it wrong...but there was no ill nature intended...
One can only provide a beneficial environment to their tank inhabitants by thoroughly researching each and every addition before acquiring the animal...
Dreeves is right. it is absoulutely essential to know everything you can about a fish before you go out and buy it. That way, you and your tank are totally prepared when the fish comes home. Not to be mean, but Dreeves was just trying to help you out. ;)


New Member
Sorry Dreeves, I might be alittle sensitive! I did research tangs but I always found out that you can find ou t alot by asking people who actually have the fish. My orginal question was maybe not very clear , part of the question deals with the quanity of food you actually give the fish. thanks fo the help and I'll try and been not so sensitive


Active Member
No problem...
One can never be over informed in this hobby...
Good luck with your new Tang...they are enjoyable.