yellow tangs


I rearranged my rocks to really clean my tank. The rocks were put in a different arrangement. I bought 2 yellow tangs that were in a tank with many tangs together. They are the same size. I was told if you put them in together they will get along. With this one tang is picking at the other and nipping its fins. Why??? I know this tang will not make it if this keeps up. what do I do


Active Member
first, how big is your tank? i have heard that you rearrange your rocks when you already have a tang and you get another one. theres no possible way to tell if they are going to fight or not until they do fight.


The trick to keeping Tangs is that you must keep them in three's. When you have just two even though you put them in at the same time, one will always try to be the dominant one. The dominant Tang will stress the other Tang out to the point of death. Three keeps them schooling


Active Member
Originally Posted by conk
55 gal tank
ONE TANG needs a 90 gallon or more. (minimum of 6 feet of swimming length) Please do yourself a favor and take them back. They will get stressed out and ICH will attack and then the troubles start. There will be some flaming coming, I can smell the smoke now. Ha!

sinner's girl

ditto, 55gl too small for, let alone two, and they should be kept in odd numbers, 1, 3,5 ect.


Active Member
a friend of mine has had two tangs in his 40 for 5 yrs now.................................
u never know, but bigger is better


That's not necessarily true either though, guys!!! I put three very small yellow tangs (yes, all at the same time) into my 130 gallon tank and still one of them picked at the others until he's the only one left. I have heard of people keeping more than one, and yes if it's to be successful you need 3 or more (if there's only two one will pick on the other but if there's three or more the "bully" will disperse his aggressions between the others so that no one is picked on too much supposedly but then look at what happened with mine) and quite a bit of stuff in there for them to dart around, hide behind, etc.


Active Member
I have had mine for 9 months now. They are a pair recentley they have been fighting way to much I am giving one away this week because they are both really beaten up.


Active Member
I say, never put more than one yellow tang in a tank, get a smaller one than any of your other tangs, and put it in last.....Also don't get any other fish that even vaguely look like the yellow tang or it will likely attack it. :thinking: