Yellow Tangs

jimmy dix

New Member
I have three Yellow Tangs. I just got home and I notice they have these black dots or something all over them. Can anyone help me or tell me what it is? Or how to get rid of it.

jimmy dix

New Member
Thank you, It is Black ich. I did a fw dip and added greenx to my qt tank. How long do I do the dip for? I also went out and got a cleaner wessel.I hope it will work


Staff member
Jimmy, I'm afraid that is not the correct treatment.
Look in the FAQ Thread at the topic on "Formalin Bathes". Formalin and the procedure described is the correct way to go.

jimmy dix

New Member
Thanks for your help. My Tangs are doing good for now. The black dots are going and they are eating. One of the Tangs looks really skinny is that normal? How long should I keep them in the Qt tank. I had them for about 3 1/2 weeks. But I had them in the main tank for about three days before I seen the ich. Thanks againg for all you help.