Yellow Tank deeply concerned


My yellow tang seems to be slowly wasting away!!! I am scared that I am going to loose him. I have been to the pet store here several times trying to buy food to help him. So far this is what I have tried or am currently using VHP, Frozen brine shrimp, Nori (seaweed), spirilina pellets, Formula 2, spirilina flakes, and regular marine flakes, also I am using zooplankton. Any other methods to help me get him healthy would be appreciated. He is bery yellow in color, however he seems very skinny and also the part under his mouth. similar to our neck, is almost totally squeezed shut. PLEASE HELP
Thank you very much
46 Gallon Bowfront
304 Fluval
Yellow tang
2 chocolate chip starfish
4 turbo snails
hermit crab
yellow tailed damsel
coral beauty
3 green chromis
percula clownfish


Active Member
It is possible he has worms. Or, lateral line erosion. If there are small pits in his face and running along his back (lateral line) he probably has that... also known as hole-in-the-head disease. Tangs (surgeonfish) are very susceptible to lateral line erosion. The causes aren't completely known... but lack of vegetables in their diet is a big reason. And yellow tangs need a lot of algae. Go to you LFS, pick up some algae sheets, clip one (or less) to the side of the tank and let him graze on it. Ideally he will eat. LFS sells clips too.
If it is worms, or a secondary infection... you might want to try a full spectrum antibiotic. They are generally

that you break apart and pour the powder directly into the hospital tank, or display tank if you're a risk taker. Spectrogram is a good start. But, look at the description for symptoms, and treatments. The box lists them. Ask the LFS person for pill, powdered antibiotics like spectrogram.
Good Luck. :cool:


What are your water parameters? Have you checked them lately? Also you might soak food in Liquid Garlic (Kents Garlic Xtream). He could also be stressed.


Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates are high 30-40(I have been trying to get them down)
ph 8.2
salinity 1.022


Yea Nitrates are high. He could also be stressing. IMO I would set up a hospital tank with hyposalinity and soak food in garlic.