yellow tank w/ internal bleeding


I have a yellow tang that i got about 1 1/2 weeks ago. It had been doing great until the last couple days. I noticed red blotches on his right side and this nose and pectoral fins have an orange hue to them. I did have a small spike in my ammonia levels when i added a couple fish but that has since been removed. All perameters seem normal and he is getting a balanced diet of vit.c enriched seaweed and a variety of meaty items. Any suggestions on what to do? I do not have a quarentine tank at this time. So i was wondering if there was something I can treat the whole tank with (no live rock yet) and if not is this contagious to the other fish in the tank? Thank you in advance for any help to a new tank owner.


sorry, meant yellow tang not tank. Also he lives with a bi color blenny, lemon peel tang, small huma trigger, and a banded goby with a few BB snails and hermit crabs


It was a minimal spike----i was told that it definately was not fatal. I am just scared that if I stress this guy out anymore that it could push him over the edge. Do you think a medicated food could be enough as apossed to trying to fish him out and stress everyone out?


if all perameters are normal now what can be done? Medicated food or just leave him alone? the PH never went below 8-8.2


Active Member
It sounds like this is a young tank. A water change would be a good idea. There are many other toxins besides ammonia and nitrites which develop during the cycle. Tangs are very sensitive to water quality so this is probably the issue. Most people recommend that the tank should be several months old before adding tangs (as well as other sensitive organisms (e.g. shrimp, corals, sea stars, anemones).