I have noticed 1 of my 2 yellow watchman gobies is changing color. Both of them use the same pistol shrimp. They both are pigs and still are. The bigger one however started to loose his/her color. It went from a vibrent yellow to a grayish color. It also seems to be gitting virtical stripes. 3 of them. Is my fish posesed?:notsure: All signs are great. Swims great, eats like a pig. Nothing is picking on it Just doesn't add up. I would think it would be stressed or something. But I see no signs. Any ideas?
Is this any kind of Male Female thing going on like clownfish. They both share the same pistol shrimp. It is odd. I have 1 lonely pistol shrimp because the other goby is paired up with the other one.
Is this any kind of Male Female thing going on like clownfish. They both share the same pistol shrimp. It is odd. I have 1 lonely pistol shrimp because the other goby is paired up with the other one.