yellow watchman goby menu


New Member
anyone who has yellow watchman gobies,
please respond as to what you have fed your
gobies, and what are they are particularly
fond of-food that is. i've tried frozen brine
shrimp, but from what i can see, he doesn't
take to them, unless he starts to eat after i leave the room. any advice helpfull.


My guy likes small sinking pellets, I forget the name of them. Also likes live brine shrimp, likes my home made food, will also eat formula one and really loves zooplankton. The trick is, that the food has to float right down to him, almost in front of his face and then he darts right to it, to eat it. Try and feed it live brine at first, also try not to scare him into a hole when you are feeding him. Mine was shy at first and would dart into a hole everytime my coral beauty came aound it to get some food, but now he fends for himself. I am so proud of him :)


Mine eats anything I put in the tank.
But it is the same thing he eats when I leave the room.
Hope this helps
They are great fish...In the middle of the night he will be sitting there watching you...hence the name.