yellow watchman goby owners reply plz


To everyone that has a yellow watchman goby, is your fish standing out in your tank or is he hidden in the rocks all the time?
Just trying to find out for curiousity sake. I got one 4 days ago and I've never seen him since. :( I'm hoping its just him getting used to the tank. When I bought him he was out and about in the store display.


Active Member
ive had mine for about a month, i only see its head about once a day, but he does coem out at feeding time


Active Member
It depends on what other kinds of fish you have. Even if you have all calm fish the watchman can take a while to get used to your tank. I've had mine for a few months. I never saw mine at all until I got him a pistol shrimp. Now he sits all day long at the opening to their shared burrow.


I have a Powder Brown Tang and 2 Clowns with my YWG. He is always out. Not around the tank, but he always is out of his hole "watching" lol. I love him, great personality. I would 100% suggest one. They are so much fun to watch!
EDIT: And I have only had him for 3 weeks.


mine is about 50/50 hes in a cave or something for half the day and and the other half hes roaming around sifting sand. Always comes out for feeding though where ever he may be


mine hides in his hole and looks mean and angry haha as soon as he see's us he hides but if you catch him when he doesn't notice us he's out and about. I like him but it looks like he's frowning all the time haha


When I first got mine he hid all the time. After a few weeks he came out and now he stands outside his cave until lights out at night. And he adopted a peppermint shrimp that stays in his cave with him. Weird.


i have a pink watchman with a pistol shrimp who lay outside there holes all day and i can stick my face right up to the glass and he'll just frown and raise his fins with disgust...what a


Thanks for the reply guys. Mine is starting to show himself just a bit. I'm not sure if he's eating yet. When I feed with new fish I put food in and go away so the shy new fish will come out to eat.


Ours hid for a long time,but he is starting to make apperances more and more all the time.They are really cool!


Active Member
Mine has built many homes for himself around my tank. His main home is a tunnel from the back of the tank to the front of the tank. He usually hangs halfway out of the hole and I have had him for about a yer now.


Mine is just 3 days old and he is out about 50% of the time. I also have a pink shrimp goby who is letting him know where he can hang. My new YWG is already eating live brine. Good Luck.


I see my Watchmen a couple time a month. I always wonder if hes alive, then he pokes out after being MIA for a week, looking healthy, bright color. Wish he was more social but oh well