yellow watchman goby


New Member
anyone with any experience with yellow
watchman gobie's, please respond with your
thoughts, past experience's with them. i think that they are one of the "cutest" fish
in the marine hobby. any replies appreciated.


Active Member
Great fish but very mild mannered needs a rock or barancle to live in and is a bit shy about eating if in with agressive fish such as wrasses, clowns, damsels. Have had a few and they were all delightful except for their mildness which in the end spelled disaster. My lfs has a large one that lives in their reef tank and he seems quite happy (about 5 to 6 inches long).


I love mine.
He pouts every time I move the rocks around.
Very mild Very cute.
I have him in my 55 reef with shrimp and gobies. No far.
I think there a great adittion to any tank, Great if you have live sand. I have one and he does a great job sifting and moving the sand in the tank likes to hide under my lr but does swim around in the day for a while then will go back to his den. Lots of luck I recommend them.


Active Member
By mild I mean they are timid they hide a lot if around more aggressive fish and they do not fight back when pushed around. I had one for years then one day while cleaning its tank I had the bright idea to move its shell it lived under and clean there. Of course it came out and moved elsewhere and I thought nothing about it. The next morning I found it all beat up and all I could figure is that making it move I stressed it and one of the other fish who could not get to it before had its chance.