Yellow watchman Goby

Does anyone know anything about this fish.
I just purchased one and was wondering if it will perform as a sand sifter or will it just sit there wiating for food?
Anything on it. Thanks.


Active Member
i believe theyre a sand sifter. i think someone said awhile back that they can be hard to get to feed after they get all the stuff out of the sand they usually dont eat any regular fish food and die. i think ths was about a yellow watchman goby. do a search on them here or at and see what comes up. bo


New Member
I have a yellow watchman and yes he will sift the sand if he gets really hungry but they are really good eaters mine is as fat as can be.
Grouperhead, I think your thinking of the diemond back goby those will almost always exhaust a live sand bed of all its critters and then starve.


Yellow watchman gobie, such a cute little guy. :) Mine is always in hiding, unless it is feeding time. He eats like a pig and is not picky, he eats anything offered. They will sift the sand. Great fish, just make sure he gets his chance to eat if you have other aggressive feeders.


I have two of them and they love brine Shrimp (live) and frozen. They will also shift sand and CC for food. They are great to watch and quick......