Yellow Watchman Still Stressed?



Hope you like long-winded posts. I purchased a fantastically colored Yellow Watchman Goby from this site about 3 weeks ago, acclimated him per the site's instructions and let him loose in QT. Unfortunately, I was given some bad info from an LFS and had purchased a Long Nosed Hawkfish under the impression that they could be acclimated together. The LNHF proceeded to bully the goby out of every PVC "cave" in the QT. After a full day of this, the goby lost his color and I removed the goby and took a chance by placing him into my display tank, as he had been eating just fine. In the display tank, he is with two Percula Clowns, several snails, two serpent stars and possibly one small hermit crab that hitchhiked on some live rock. The two tanks are identical in all parameters, save slightly higher Nitrates in the display tank. API test kits about 2 months old. Anyway, to my actual question: Is the goby still stressed or do they naturally take a few weeks to color back up? I'll be happy to provide additional info if needed. Thanks for taking the time to look this over and for any help and/or insight.
Tank specs:
135 G, 29 G sump
~100 lbs live rock
3 inch sand bed
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrite
~10 Nitrate
1.026 SG
Temp climbs from 78 overnight to about 81 before lights out, using a Nova Extreem Pro T5 12-bulb fixture.