Yellow Watchman


I cant find my yellow watchman..he usually sits on top of the same rock and now I have not seen him since yesterday morning. Any ideas?


Active Member
How well is your live rock secured? Could it have burrowed under a rock and gotten pinned or smashed? How big is your anemone?


Active Member
look in the holes in the LR, my watchmen goby used to hide in the holes ALL the time, and every time i would think it was dead until it showed up a day later


anemone is getting pretty big prob like 4-5 inches across. Is it worth moving the live rock around to try and find him? I dont want him to be smashed but none of the rock has seemed to move at all.


Active Member
Did you put the rocks on the tank bottom or set them on the sand? If they are on the sand he could have burowed under one and caused it to shift on top of him.


Yeah I put the sand in first. I set the rocks as deep in the sand as I could. Should I take the rocks apart and try to find him or will that cause more problems in the tank..start a cycle?


Active Member
Your call..
First, how difficult would dismantling the tank be?
Second, rock really needs to be on the bottom of the tank. If you plan on keeping burrowers they will at some point cause a partial collapse of your rock work. Depending on how your rock is stacked this could cause an avalanche. Falling rock + glass aquarium= big mess.


Thank you, you were very right. As I moved everything I put it back into the sand as far down as possible. This did stir up a lot of sand but I tested the waters and the levels look good still. I think that im going to do a water change in the morning just in case. Thank you for the help hopefully the little guy makes it!