Yellowtail Damsel?



local person is giving away 2 yellowtail damels and a maroon clown.
Should I put them in my tank that has a mated pair of misbar clowns, banded shrimp, peppermint shrimp and hermits?
Should I bother? I heard they can be a pain. but hes looking for a new home for them.


1.) The maroon will beat the crap out of your misbar's... They are VERY VERY aggressive toward other clowns (and other fish for that matter). 2.) those damsels should have horns sticking out of their head because they can also be very destructive to tankmates, they are agressive to fish no matter what the size. I would have to say you should pass on this deal unless you want to lose your clowns, because I have no doubt in my mind they will be killed.


thanks, i'll pass. The clowns i have are happy together, I don't want to do anything to break that up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by errattiq
1.) The maroon will beat the crap out of your misbar's... They are VERY VERY aggressive toward other clowns (and other fish for that matter). 2.) those damsels should have horns sticking out of their head because they can also be very destructive to tankmates, they are agressive to fish no matter what the size. I would have to say you should pass on this deal unless you want to lose your clowns, because I have no doubt in my mind they will be killed.
lol! couldnt have said it better!
Dont do it!


Originally Posted by errattiq
1.) The maroon will beat the crap out of your misbar's... They are VERY VERY aggressive toward other clowns (and other fish for that matter). 2.) those damsels should have horns sticking out of their head because they can also be very destructive to tankmates, they are agressive to fish no matter what the size. I would have to say you should pass on this deal unless you want to lose your clowns, because I have no doubt in my mind they will be killed.

If you have a pair of clowns then they should be the ones having the horns. I had to bust mine up because they were the thugs of the block.
I have a yellow tail that is a punching bag...haha....problem is I had a "Royal" damsel (I swear it is from the nether-regions) put in my tank because it looked "cute".....