Yellowtail or anyone else who had a leopard gecko


yes you need to put it on one side of the tank(underneath the tank incase you didnt know) that way they willl have a warmer side and a cooler side which is needed. also you need to have something under all the corners of the tank to lift it up some for air flow, room for the cord and so the tanks not resting on the heating pad. hth


Active Member
Thanks.And lets say i place the cage on a mini table,will the table get hot because of the heat mat?And what if the heat mat gets to hot for the tank,can i adjust the temp?


No they are usually one temp. It will not burn anything. They sit up off the table. You could put a metal plate below it if you are concerned. Do not put the water dish on the same side as the heat pad because spills can crack the glass.


Active Member

Originally posted by crazy4reefs
yes you need to put it on one side of the tank(underneath the tank incase you didnt know) that way they willl have a warmer side and a cooler side which is needed. also you need to have something under all the corners of the tank to lift it up some for air flow, room for the cord and so the tanks not resting on the heating pad. hth

ding ,ding,ding!!!!