No one method is perfect. And none is necissarily right.
But my vote is.... DSB!
I had been dealing with nasty cyano that made me want to get rid of my DSB. But I knew better. After fixing that, I am beefing up my DSB with even more critters so it functions more properly. I thought the cyano was caused by too much detritus in the DSB, since that's where it only was.
That's where DSBs come into play. You have the minimal 4 inches of live sand, preferably aragonite. Maybe seeded with dead aragonite. The denitrification process only starts at 4 inches.
The sand is not "live" unless it has critters. Such as worms, pods, snails, bugs, etc. The critters eat the detritus and sift the sand. This helps the denitrification process.
This, over time, helps create a more natural environment. Eg, trying to make a more accurate "Ocean, Reef."
Without a DSB, with a bare, or minimally covered bottom you get:
None of the above listed effects.
Yes, you have live rock.
But, with a DSB you have the best of both worlds. Coupled with good water quality and lighting, you should do well.
And throw a refugium on... the possibilities are almost endless.
That's just my opinion though.