Yes or No?

I just purchased the biggest load of crap. It is a Sand called Nature's Ocean premium marine substrates. 100% Natural from the ocean to you!!! It is not ls and it has Samoa pink sand in it it is distrubuted by the World Wide Imports, Ent.. inc. in Ft. Lauderdale Florida 33309.
First of all their packaging skills suck I had sand All over the floor and S
Second when I washes it the water turned and unnatually pinkish brown. It also smells like cement has peices of Cement in it it tastes like cement (don't ask) and it is very dense when yoiu try to get a handfull. It is also a brownish white color unlike when it is dry.
Should I use it or chuck it? It was only $8.


Active Member
My opinion has always been;
If it looks like______, smells like______ and tastes like_______ ..... then it must be_______.
Doesn't sound like you've had a very good experience with this stuff .....
Only an $8.00 loss .... I'd chuck it !
Good luck !

mr . salty

Active Member
I have had nothin but posative results using that same product. Was the bag you bought within the expiration date??? I'll bet not. Also,you don't need to rince out live sand.That removes most of the bacteria you payed for.Just cut open the bag and pour it in. Third,I have never seen the stuff that cheap.That alone makes me wonder how old it was...I think i would toss it...Again,This sand is a VERY GOOD product,I guess you just got a bad bag.


I also am going to sing the praises of this product, if its actually what you got. we are all talking about Natures Ocean Bioactive Aragonite sand. Its an excellent bioactive sand, packaged in 10, 20 and 40 pound bags. Its a nice white sand, bigger than sugar sand, but not by much. Its usually costs about $2/pound. So, a 20# should sell for $40. If its not what I just described, Im sorry you got ripped off.
And just to reaffirm, check the expiration, and dont rinse it.


Active Member
You clearly said it was NOT live sand ( ls ) in your original post. I would chock it up as an $8.00 loss, and get you something you like. Why mess with something you don't care for.


Originally posted by Salisbury A D:
<STRONG>My father says it looks like crushed shells not cement. Should I chance it?
you could put it in a small tank (10 gal.) and do a mini reef and see what happens....
I have decided to add one net full approximately a handfull a day till it is all in my tank. THe first handfull against all odds actually looks good in the corner of the tank.