yesterdays rosetip ? have reply's


hey everyone thanks 4 ur reply's, let me first start by saying there's no hope 4 my rose tip, i thought it was going to be ok lsat night, it had swollen up 4 a little while but still looked awful, and this morning it is just plain nasty. should i remove it from the tank?:notsure: what to do at this piont? attml's ? to me was,how long in my tank? 2 months.& where was it sitting? lower middle attached to a rock. what do i feed it? frozen cut up shrimp. how deep is my tank? i think it's 2 feet deep or 20 inches not sure but it is 100 gal's w/over flo built in 20 gal sump & a refugiam, i set it up 3 yrs. ago. & the posission of the two anemone's are one on one side & and one on the other. go to next reply. i'm going to answer waterfaller1's questions.
and thanks again 4 the help


If all hope is gone and the anemone looks like goo, remove it before it pollutes your tank. Check the skimmer function if you have one. Test water parameters and do a partial water change if needed. Good luck


waterfaller1, hi. thank you 4 your help:) boy a persn keeps learnig something new every day w/ this reef life, WOW. i didn't know about this nemalocyst, i would never have guessed that they may be destroying eachn other. i kind of thought that the maroon clown was taking something from one to the other but wasn't sure. my pink tip has been in my tank 4 about a year, and it was doing great, but now it is looking kind of puney. and i also didn't know that you shouldn't keep two different kinds in the tank. i thought i was a novice reef keeper but i guess i don't know alot about anything. they say we learn something every day! boy i learn alot every day keeping a reef.but i love it, i put my heart and soul into it. about my turquois finger leather,you said you have a friend that has checked on this. my turquois finger is still turquois and is growing and spreading, and the new ones are turquois also. even when all the lights are out it is still the same color. i have a new pic of it, i am going to send with this thread, hey who know's maybe i found a new discovery of finger lether,wouldn't that be awsome please ask your friend and you also to find anything out about this.
thanks,i don't know how to look stuff up yet.


marineman thanks i am making water as i sit here and type. i am trying to hold out hope though, because my rosetip has two tinical tips stretched out, and i hate to take it out right now but it does look nasty, i loved this rosetip! but you are right i don't want to contaminate my tank.


i'm changing my e-mail because i haven't been recieving any of my e-mails, now back to my finger leather it defently is starting to get bigger, but i have never fraged b4. and where do you think it might have come from, your right about the color, i have been reefing only 3 yrs, but i have never seen anything that even resembles this color. maybe someone can give us some more info on this.


i still feel like a complete idiot on my computer, i am still learning how to use it. i just wanted to say thanks for researching this finger leather 4 me, i appreciate it .
and i wanted to let every one know that my rosetip has been trying to swell up most of the day:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: and it took a little frozen shrimp, man i hope she's on her way to recovering. i had blocked most light from her as an experment, because i figured she was dying anyway, well as of this afternoon,she started swelling and the tenicals are streching up towards the light:D :happy: i think i will keep her covered untill tomorrow,it doesn't look like she's trying to move so i guess i'll just wait and see.
and thanks everybody 4 your help