nm reef

Active Member
Alright...the 6-paks live!!! Well done...very nice assortment. Any problems associated with macros in your display?

“May your brush with captive marine fishes and invertebrates enhance your appreciation of the living world, inspire you to share your experiences with others, and foster stewardship of our planet”

blue dew

Very, very nice. I've got some macro algae in my tank also. By the way, whats the coral in the 5th picture? It's beautiful and I don't remember seeing one before.


Active Member
its a bubble coral, i thinks its called pearl bubble coral to be exact.
Yes plenty of problems, when i started i had feather calupera and did not know anything about it going asexual... all i knew was that it was taking over the tank. It caused me to have an out break of cyno bacteria.
Later i got hair algae, and it actually wiped out the feather calupera in my tank:eek:. Well im happy it did. My hair algae problem was going to go away until one macro i got from a trade actually went asexual and my hair algae actually started to come back again. Other than that ive been able to control and contain my razor, grape and halimada macro algaes.
It actually got worse than this but it was the only pic i could find