yet another Cycle question


I just started my 80 Gal on Sat 04/8. I have 100lbs cured LR and 110lbs LS. Right now I have no proper lighting just a Aquarium 40w bulb and no skimmer, Waiting for the funds, maybe next week. I am running a Fluval 405 canister filter and 2 820 gph powerheads. As of right now I am noticing a small portion of my rock getting white?? Also there is a lot of floaties coming off the rocks. Yes, I did scrub the rocks before putting them in. The rocks were out water for about 3 hours during transport. Is it ok to use products like PurpleUp or bacteria/oxygen additives while the tank cycles?
Hopes this make some sense?? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by crustymonk
I just started my 80 Gal on Sat 04/8. I have 100lbs cured LR and 110lbs LS. Right now I have no proper lighting just a Aquarium 40w bulb and no skimmer, Waiting for the funds, maybe next week. I am running a Fluval 405 canister filter and 2 820 gph powerheads. As of right now I am noticing a small portion of my rock getting white?? Also there is a lot of floaties coming off the rocks. Yes, I did scrub the rocks before putting them in. The rocks were out water for about 3 hours during transport. Is it ok to use products like PurpleUp or bacteria/oxygen additives while the tank cycles?
Hopes this make some sense?? :notsure:
You should get a skimmer as soon as you can but the upgrade in lighting can probably wait for a little while. The floaties and the part of the LR turning white is probably just some die off from being out of water for 3 hours.
I wouldn't use any bacteria additives though; your tank will benefit more by letting the bacteria colonize on its own.
Check your levels to see if you have a spike in ammonia. If you have a raise in ammonia I would say you have die off from your LR causing your tank to cycle.