Yet another FISH LIST! Suggestions Please!


New Member
I'm a new hobbyist looking to dive into a Reef Aquarium. My local LFS has told me that with the 210 gallon tank I am getting in a reef system I could keep 3-5 tangs, and a variety of smaller fish and of course inverts. I know not to add them all right away, I will only be adding 1 to 2 fish at a time, after my initial set-up and cycle of live rock, I will probably add a cleanup crew and then start with the fish.
Here is my list of fish so far:
Clown Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Naso Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang(maybe)
2 Percula Clowns
Spike Fin Goby
Shrimp Goby-Yellow Watchman
Spotted Mandarin Dragonet Goby
Reef Pipefish
I will probably add some Damsels as well. I'm not going to be aggressive with the Tangs, I may only do 3 Tangs if it seems like thats all my tank can handle. Which Damsels are best for this tank? Can I have more than 1 Mandarin Goby? Also, what do you guys think of the reef packages available at I would get "the 150," to start after my LR has cycled my tank. I'm going to have an overflow and sump system.


forget the pipefish. It will get bullied around and it would be hard to get food to it without the other fish getting it first.


New Member
Originally Posted by Nathan797
I'm a new hobbyist looking to dive into a Reef Aquarium. My local LFS has told me that with the 210 gallon tank I am getting in a reef system I could keep 3-5 tangs, and a variety of smaller fish and of course inverts. I know not to add them all right away, I will only be adding 1 to 2 fish at a time, after my initial set-up and cycle of live rock, I will probably add a cleanup crew and then start with the fish.
Here is my list of fish so far:
Clown Tang
Blue Hippo Tang
Naso Tang
Yellow Tang
Purple Tang(maybe)
2 Percula Clowns
Spike Fin Goby
Shrimp Goby-Yellow Watchman
Spotted Mandarin Dragonet Goby
Reef Pipefish
I will probably add some Damsels as well. I'm not going to be aggressive with the Tangs, I may only do 3 Tangs if it seems like thats all my tank can handle. Which Damsels are best for this tank? Can I have more than 1 Mandarin Goby? Also, what do you guys think of the reef packages available at I would get "the 150," to start after my LR has cycled my tank. I'm going to have an overflow and sump system.
I would not do the pipefish. They may well get lost in such a large tank. They're great in Nano's, but a 210.... you may never see them again.
I think you have Goby's are great. But your Manderin will surely die in a new tank. They are finicky eaters and need an established tank.
My personal opinion is to have five of the same tang in a large tank. I just like the look of multiples.
My only other advice would be to buy fish on the smaller size so you have the joy of watching them grow.
Good Luck!


IMO I wouldnt add 5 tangs to that tank. You have to look at how big they will grow. I would only have 3 at the most. You could add some firefish or some Chromis. they are fun to watch!!

devil dog

Active Member
You might want to get all of the tangs that have the same body type at the same time... Sometimes they can be very aggressive/territorial to the same body type.

Ps: Did you by that 210g New and what did you pay... I just pick one up that i am going to set up as fresh water and i think i got a GOOD deal New with glass tops, stand and with overflows for just under $1000.00...


New Member
I bought the tank brand new w/ overflows and a brand new All Glass Aquarium Mission stand in Maple. Its on special order as the local LFS did not have such a large tank in stock. The stand and canopy were $1000 just by themselves, and the tank was just under $800. I don't wanna mess around, I'm getting all of the best equipment I can right away.
I'm thinking of adding a Blacktop Basslet and a Royal Gramma as well. Think those would work with the rest of my list?
Anyone have suggestions for my inverts/cleanup crew?