!$%ing MS NetSafe team. I made the mistake of added the term OEM to my auction. Now they are trying to force me to remove my auction. I can not believe this. I bought the disk for a dollar at a live auction in a box of stuff. I put it on ---- because people buy stuff like that. And now they are giving me a trying to force me to either sell it with a computer or remove the item. You should heard this letter they send me.
Our NetSafe team visited your auction. We want to provide you with
some information relevant to your auction listing as it appears your
auction is offering Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) software. OEM
software is distributed with new PCs, and can be identified by the
phrase, "For Distribution With A New PC Only," printed on the front cover of
the user manual, the Certificate of Authenticity, and/or the program
disc. Under the license agreement, new OEM software is to be distributed
with PC hardware or with a complete computer system. If the software
is distributed with a computer, then it is licensed for use only on that
computer. If the software is distributed with a PC hardware component
and is then installed on a computer, the software is licensed for use
only with the computer on which it was installed. In both of these
cases, the software license only permits the OEM software to be transferred
as part of a sale of the computer.
It is important to remember that the next time you obtain a computer
with OEM software, be sure to keep the software with the original
computer. This will ensure that you have the OEM software available in case
you need to reinstall the software, and will also enable you to transfer
the software with the computer to a new user in the future. If you
received OEM software without a computer system or a PC hardware
component, you should contact the original vendor to request a refund as the
original transaction would not have been authorized.
Our NetSafe team visited your auction. We want to provide you with
some information relevant to your auction listing as it appears your
auction is offering Original Equipment Manufacturer (“OEM”) software. OEM
software is distributed with new PCs, and can be identified by the
phrase, "For Distribution With A New PC Only," printed on the front cover of
the user manual, the Certificate of Authenticity, and/or the program
disc. Under the license agreement, new OEM software is to be distributed
with PC hardware or with a complete computer system. If the software
is distributed with a computer, then it is licensed for use only on that
computer. If the software is distributed with a PC hardware component
and is then installed on a computer, the software is licensed for use
only with the computer on which it was installed. In both of these
cases, the software license only permits the OEM software to be transferred
as part of a sale of the computer.
It is important to remember that the next time you obtain a computer
with OEM software, be sure to keep the software with the original
computer. This will ensure that you have the OEM software available in case
you need to reinstall the software, and will also enable you to transfer
the software with the computer to a new user in the future. If you
received OEM software without a computer system or a PC hardware
component, you should contact the original vendor to request a refund as the
original transaction would not have been authorized.