Yikes, an ammonia spike!


Active Member
Wow, can't get it to come down after 2 20% water changes in 2 weeks, its still up there at 0.25. I had a PH accident 2 weeks ago, it fell into my 3 inch sandbed and i had a huge bare spot all the way to the glass bottom. Didn't help that i had just put in 12 lbs of new LR, cured, but still, might have contributed to the spike. So far fish and corals are ok, except my star polops haven't opened in afew days now. Real bummed out here, just found out my puggy dog has to have the 3rd bladder surgery in 3 yrs, and now this
Any advise on what else i can do to lower my ammonia? Tank is 6 months old, and except for the ammonia all else looks ok, maybe a slight color change on the nitrite chart but not much. 75 gal, LR, LS, aquaC skimmer.


Check the expiration date of your test kit/have your LFS check your levels just to be sure the info your getting is correct. The water changes should have made some difference, at least temporarily. Check for something rotting that you hadn't noticed before.


I know that usually they state ammonia should always be 0 but I also realize that if you just put in a new fish and other small things can cause a .25 spike, usually I don't believe this is fatal.....just make sure you don't have nitrites....


Active Member
Well things are much better now, did another water change, and everything is normal again, except for nitrates at 20. I am feeling much better better about my tank, now I am crossing my fingers my dog only has a bladder infection instead of the usual stones, hey i can hope huh? Thanks for the replies, all is well for now