
YES! It is tropical play sand! They new exactly what I was talking about too because as soon as they get a shipment in, it is gone in two days! So They did a search and found it! 73 bags of it.
any more questions> sjesus@earthlink.net
I just purchased some SD sand and I would like to know how did you introduce it to the display tank? I just soaked mine. How long did you soak yours? Did it foam-up? Mine did.
Did you have any fish when you added yours? Because I do and I wanted to know if you had any pointers.


SD sand is really fine. your tank will be cloudy for a few days regardless, but your fish should be fine. to reduce the cloudiness, try a piece of thick pvc pipe and drop the sand down directly to the bottom. that will prevent the water breaking it apart on the way to the bottom.


Active Member
I used all south down in mine. I put some in a plastic gallon baggie closed it sank it to the bottom and slowly poured it out. It took several days but the tank cleared within hours each time, less stress on the live stock. I did start to rinse towards the end. I would fill a bucket half way with r/o water then dump in the sand stir it with my hand and dump out the water then take the sand and put it in the bag. The sand is great. I added some more live rock and the sand is now full of worms.
Hey, should I put it all in at once or a little at a time? I just put in 1/3 of it in and it's pretty cloudy. Should I put it all in now and get it over with?


Active Member
Puff(er) if there is nothing living in the tank right now I would put it all in. If your tank is stocked do it slowly over a few days.
Jimi, I put the 50lbs in three seperate buckets and added a bucket each day(I do have livestock). But I need another 50lbs how long should I wait before I add it. I was going to wait until everything clears up and change my filter pads, add more carbon rocks? What you think? Anyone.