you have GOT to see this!!!


make sure you have your volume turned up so you can hear the background comments
Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great
Britain. When they finished filming the ad, the film editor noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a ghostly white mist. The ad was never put on TV because of the unexplained ghostly phenomenon. Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the middle of
the screen and you'll see the white mist crossing in front of the car then
following it along the road......Spooky! Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide. If you listen to the
ad, you'll even hear the commentator talk about it near the end of the commercial. I little creepy but pretty cool!


Active Member
omg welcome to last year when that came out. not trying to make fun or flame but that is sooooo old mabey im just an internet geek who loves car websites and seens all car related stuff, and knows what it is, accually i belvie i made a post about this before time to do a search


last year it was a ghost in a window. suck once you think you are a tough guy some punk sends that and makes you scream like a little girl. and there goes the manhood! damn you


Active Member
I have not seen if before, but when any thread states to turn up your speakers, it's a dead give away to leave the speakers off and expect something to jump out at the end.


Nicky1.8T, congratulations you must feel very proud for having recalled this was posted on another board, it is truly an amazing accomplishment. I am also into cars (real racecars), and have seen it on other boards for a while, I just thought I would share it with others who may not troll other boards. Go play with your "hot rod" LMAO. Glad to see some people have a sense of humor.


Holy Schnikies! Don't do that to people with weak hearts! I myself have never seen that
My wife is gonna s*** when I show it to her!:D


Sato, sorry kiddo but I have better things to do than keep up with what has been posted on the internet. I was just sharing because I hadnt seen it, and obviously several others hadnt either. You must be a juvenile little squirt. Please bless us all with your vast knowledge and let us know of everything there is on the internet so we can all make sure not to repost anything.


Originally Posted by mkengr45
Sato, sorry kiddo but I have better things to do than keep up with what has been posted on the internet. I was just sharing because I hadnt seen it, and obviously several others hadnt either. You must be a juvenile little squirt. Please bless us all with your vast knowledge and let us know of everything there is on the internet so we can all make sure not to repost anything.
Nice response, vendictive much? I guess im a little squirt in the same sense that your a mature adult? Im 20, in college, with a part time job, but do very much enjoy seeing everything that is out on the internet and the wonderfully hilarious flash videos that those people out there create.

nm reef

Active Member
Just a note...personal attacks and/or flames will not be tolerated. Please refrain from negative comments ... sometimes nothing said is much better than posting a negative response.