You know it is bad when -


you have a conversation with your 6 year old and it goes like this ----
kid - Mom, how do they make potato chips?
me - they just FRY up some potatoes
kid - (all serious) WOW - you can FRAG a potato........
It was priceless.....LOL


OMG that WAS priceless!!
See, that's the kinda stuff you just can't make up...


A few days ago my 6 year old son came home from school with some papers from school about him going to summer school..thought i try to scare him and make him listen to what his teacher had to say.. so i sat him down and asked him what he thought about going to school when all the other kids are at home playing and eating cereal and blah blah blah, his older sisters in the room at this time and he gets this funny little grin on his face and looks at her and says haha you have to go to school while im playing, thats when i broke it to him it was his name on the paper.... you would have thought spongebob died from the look on his face, it was priceless


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chellie4u2
A few days ago my 6 year old son came home from school with some papers from school about him going to summer school..thought i try to scare him and make him listen to what his teacher had to say.. so i sat him down and asked him what he thought about going to school when all the other kids are at home playing and eating cereal and blah blah blah, his older sisters in the room at this time and he gets this funny little grin on his face and looks at her and says haha you have to go to school while im playing, thats when i broke it to him it was his name on the paper.... you would have thought spongebob died from the look on his face, it was priceless
poor rooky....


Active Member
I was laughing so hard when this happened that I started crying.
A friend asked me to babysit their youngest son for the day, Micheal was going thru "potty training" and I was asked to let him go to the bathroom by himself, figured no big deal, he knows what hes doing (I have to set this up for the impact)
We go over to a salon to get my hair cut, I'm in the chair and Micheal ask to go to the bathroom, I said "yes" because the door was within view and it was a 1 person B-room. The salon WAS PACKED.
He goes in, few minutes later the door opens, he's got his pants down to his ankels standing in the doorway, then he spins around, bends over, grabs both cheeks and spreads them wide and SCREAMS at the top of his lungs "DID I GET IT ALL"....The entire salon lost it, and it did help that when we started laughing he started yelling louder "DID I GET IT" DID I GET IT"


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I was laughing so hard when this happened that I started crying.
A friend asked me to babysit their youngest son for the day, Micheal was going thru "potty training" and I was asked to let him go to the bathroom by himself, figured no big deal, he knows what hes doing (I have to set this up for the impact)
We go over to a salon to get my hair cut, I'm in the chair and Micheal ask to go to the bathroom, I said "yes" because the door was within view and it was a 1 person B-room. The salon WAS PACKED.
He goes in, few minutes later the door opens, he's got his pants down to his ankels standing in the doorway, then he spins around, bends over, grabs both cheeks and spreads them wide and SCREAMS at the top of his lungs "DID I GET IT ALL"....The entire salon lost it, and it did help that when we started laughing he started yelling louder "DID I GET IT" DID I GET IT"



Active Member
When I was about 3 or 4 we were going somewhere I don't know, but I HAD to use the restroom. So my dad and grandpa pulled into a peterpiperpizza (remember those?) and we were walking towards the bathroom when everyone started laughing. As I was following them towards the bathroom I had to go soo bad that I was getting ready, I'd already dropped my shorts and undies and was walking through the restarant ready to go on a moments notice.