Originally Posted by bdhutier http:///forum/post/2636781
... and then you try to think of how you can set them off... like, right now!
yeah, I have some waterproof blackcats. I'm wondering what would happen if I lit on and flushed it... I'm old enough now to know any damage is going to come out of my pocket and am going to wait till I'm somewhere more interesting...
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/post/2636796
yeah, I have some waterproof blackcats. I'm wondering what would happen if I lit on and flushed it... I'm old enough now to know any damage is going to come out of my pocket and am going to wait till I'm somewhere more interesting...
ever seen the italian job? lol. the child version of mos def's character flushes a couple m80's. magnificent.
Originally Posted by alix2.0 http:///forum/post/2636803
ever seen the italian job? lol. the child version of mos def's character flushes a couple m80's. magnificent.
yes but did you see the mythbusters where they tried to recreate that scene? That was cool. (It didn't quite work) but it was cool.
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/post/2636915
yes but did you see the mythbusters where they tried to recreate that scene? That was cool. (It didn't quite work) but it was cool.
nope, didnt see that one. i think im gonna go try it right now.
Originally Posted by ric maniac http:///forum/post/2636929
Pshhhh you guys have to buy yours! I make my own.
didnt you (in an attempt to build a flame thrower) burn a field down and almost burn down your neighbors house?
good job. lol
Originally Posted by alix2.0 http:///forum/post/2636938
didnt you (in an attempt to build a flame thrower) burn a field down and almost burn down your neighbors house?
good job. lol
nothing spectacular, but this is a video i made for french class. after i did it i blew some stuff up, which was cool, but i was dumb and didnt video tape it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99BFOviWs_U
I think some eyebrows just raised at the NSA.
When I was in junior high someone flushed an M-80. It blew up in the wall plumbing. Messy. Very messy.
We used to .... um.......nevermind.
Originally Posted by ric maniac http:///forum/post/2637080
Oooooh, open up some ammunition and get black powder! very simple, yet very fun.
Why go into a gun shop and you can buy black power that they use for mussle loaders and do whatever you want with it.
Originally Posted by ric maniac http:///forum/post/2637080
Oooooh, open up some ammunition and get black powder! very simple, yet very fun.
Live ammunition does not contain black powder! It contains smokeless powder.
There is a special tool for opening live ammo. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN LIVE AMMUNITION!!!! ESPECIALLY WITHOUT THE TOOL!!!