you all make it so hard not to want a bigger tank with all your fancy corals and amazing i thought i could live with just a 10gallon tank....but the more i look and the more i see corals the more i want my 75G started up and to have a lionfish and porcupine it possible to have those two together in a 75? maybe thatll settle
Luke P
Yeo thats how i am. I figure for now i can settle with a 65 gall (thats an ok size) but when im like 30 or and have a well paying job, i will save up alot of money and blow it all on the best equipment for a 150 gal tank or somthin.
Originally Posted by Bronco300 you all make it so hard not to want a bigger tank with all your fancy corals and amazing i thought i could live with just a 10gallon tank....but the more i look and the more i see corals the more i want my 75G started up and to have a lionfish and porcupine it possible to have those two together in a 75? maybe thatll settle
Luke P
hahaha i started out with a 29. three months later i added a 40 to my collection....... i obviously want to go bigger, but my mom is worried that everything will fall through the floor so she is even skeptical about letting me make a refugium!! plus i spend all my money on my tanks i already have so it would be hard to get another going.. lol But a porcupine will need a larger tank that that. more like a 90. And it would depend on the lion. Anything but a viotalan would be good.
Its addicting, thats for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so want a bigger tank. But I'm only 14 so I cant afford a much bigger one then my 55gal. I cant wait til I get older and have me a job, and can afford my dream tank. But I'm sure then I will still be wanting a bigger tank.
Hey Luke and Todd, not to hyjack the thread, but I have a refugium question. I have a thread named "how big is to big". Please check it out. Thanks guys. Barry