You'll NEVER Believe What I saw Today!


I went to one of the local lfs and I was horrified with what I saw. They had nine, I'll say that again, nine yellow tangs in a 15 gallon or less tank. I'm not talking juveniles either!! One of them was laying on the bottom, sick as can be, with cloudy eyes, they whole bit. :( They won't be too happy when all of the fish get this stressed out. Yet, there were probably seven other empty tanks in the place. They were all freaking out and nipping at each was horrible. :mad:


I always see over crowed tanks in fish stores. I always feel so bad for the fish that look sick. At the store I go to now they have about 15 yellow tangs in like a 75gal, maybe bigger, but they don't look as bad as what you saw. When I take fish home and see them doing good, I am happy and know that they are happier in my tank than in the store's.


Unfortunately I do believe it, and have seen the terrible things that they will do at the stores. I really believe its the ignorant people that they hire and do not train. :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:


It is sad. Look at through their eyes though. There are a few people on here who do or did work at a LFS. They sell the fish so usually don't have them too long unless it is something they just can't get rid of. Most are after $$$ while a few take good care.


No, because I went on Saturday and he gets his fish in on Tuesdays. A lot of his other fish were bought and sold, hence all of the empty tanks! So there is no excuse for him not providing more room for the little guys.


New Member
I know that must be terrible for those tangs, because mine gets freaked out when he sees his own reflection in the tank.


I don't know if any of you have been to a wholesaler, but they will typically have @ 100+ yellow tangs in an 80-100 gallon holding tank.
The water quality is pretty good (I tested it) because they have great filters and do huge water changes.
They do seem to be fairly happy and many are eating which is pretty good after a long trip. All the fish you see in stores travel through storage and holding tanks like this.
I do agree that lots of times retailers overstock their tanks which can stress the fish, but a lot of the stress depends on how clean their water is and how quickly they sell the fish.
Just my thoughts
Just my thoughts.
I believe it, went to one of my lfs's last month and they had a tank for holding cleaner shrimp, 40 gal. with about 20 cleaners in it, thing is they also had one 4 inch porc puffer in the same tank. Why would you throw a wolf into the chicken coop? go figure.


You made me feel a little better. I always to take home everybody, just so they will be happier. Thank you for your in-put
Shel :D