Youngest Reefer you know


I am the youngest person (turned 18 yesterday) that I know of that is very seriously into this hobby. By very seriously into it I mean I have had 3 tanks (120 aggressive, 10 reef, 10 FOWLR) since I was 16. I know some of my friends have 10 gallon "nemo" tanks that their parents take care of but I do all my tank stuff myself. My parents love to look at my tanks but are fine with their 29 gallon fw. The biggest problem I ran into was funds, I saved all the money I could before I started working full time during the summers. So does anyone know of someone that is younger than 16 thats into saltwater?


me, I'm 12. Currently I have a 12 gallon reef with the following:
1 percula clown
1 manderin fish
1 neon goby
1 ricordia (starting to split)
1 umbrella mushroom
about 10 or so pounds of lr
1'' dsb
I'm also planning on a 75gl reef in about a month. I do mostly everything and bye everything myself. My parents help me with acclimating many things at a time or doing many other things at a time. ( I only have 2 hands)


I know a 13 year old that is very seriously into the hobby. She has about 8 sw tanks (540gal. in waiting, 55gal. and about 6 smaller ones. She has been in the hobby all her life, her parents weren't into it but she had a 55gal. by the time she was 5, fw all before. Always had a zoo on her hands and still does.

Active Member
i will more then likly get flamed for this but i have a friend that has a mandarin in a 10 and i would have been 1 of the first to tell him that the tank was to small. well as the store goes this thing would eat brindshrimp like mad and i had to see it to beleave it. he would put the shrimp i and the mandarin would be on the like flyes on well you know what i mean. not every one can do this and that i knowbut to see is to beleave. i would never try it but when you go to yourlfs and see them feed there mandarin brineshrimp and it eats them like candy let me know i am on my way to get it.
royalshrimp do a search on the mandarin and you will see what waterfaller1 is telling you the truth my friends i 1 in a 1,000,000 i would move it to the 75gal. as soon as you can. are your friend in to sw to or are they like you hvae what and paid what for it.
waterfaller1 as long as it is not i am about 13 at mind i think you will be ok with 13 at heart every one askes me when will you grow up and i say when it is fun (31 years old 14 at heart) i am old then you - i am old then you - i am old then you


I'm 14.... I've been into hobby for 2.5 yrs. minus research(3 yrs. w/research). I'm very dedicated to this hobby and think it will be my life long obsession.
I also have funded this hobby with help, but most of it myself. I could not have got this done if it wasn't for YOU people, so I'ld like ot say thanks to all of you people of


i am 15 and i just started salt water but have been doing the fish thing for over 4 years now and i just got my friend in the salt thing and he is 17 and if you see a new person on here named nudenudibranch that is him :) and he is getting his live rock from here (all thanks to me)


actually i would like to make some changes to my previous post. i like to say i have been in this my hole life!!! about 5 years befor i was born my dad started a 55 frsh tank (around that time salt water was extreamly expencive and was very had to keep). and my mom keeps on telling my dad that all this $ i am spending is his falt because he had that 55 gallon tank. well unfortunantly now the 55 is gone due to my little sister and i am starting my own legacy of tanks :). oooooo almost forgot my dad when he was little (my grand father still has this) he had a 20 or 10 gallon tank that had a slate bottom :) o man i wish i could find that baby and show off some pics


Active Member
i am 15 been in the hobby for about 5 years have learned alot along the way
this hobby is one of the best things that has ever happend to me
I won the competiton. HA.jk. I am 11 years old and turnin 12 july 15. I have done a lot of research and have 2 tanks. A 30 Fo and a soon to be 55 gallon reef. I do all of the work and my brother(15)helps. My parents dont know anything about fish! This is one of the most addictive things in the world. YEAH!!!;)