Your 5 steps to battleing ICH


Your 5 steps to battling ICH in your reef tank.
What are they! Ony people that have truly beat the ICH


Active Member
1. Keep stable and ideal water parameters (SG - 1.025, pH 8.1, kH - 10, nitrates - 10 and under, ammonia and nitrite - always 0)
2. Feed a nutritious and varied diet. My fish get 25 different types of seafood in their diet on a weekly basis, plus, all of their food gets dosed with Selcon, Zoe, VitaChem, and garlic
3. Own a refractometer for accurate SG readings.
4. Own accurate pH and kH test kits to make sure these numbers are stable and where they should be.
5. Perform hyposalinity in the appropriate enviroment, while keeping a very close eye on the SG, pH, kH, and nitrates.


well there are several wat to treat it.
Ihave used kick ich in the past and it worked pretty well
I am a firm believer in Feeding garlic. If the fish is healthy it has the ability
to fight it off on its own. I dont know about the hypo but I will say I have had great success
with a qt with trace ammounts of copper works 100% of the time. hope this helps


I don't mean to Hi-jack the thread, but when feeding your fish garlic, in what form do you give it to them? Just the smashed soft insides like when you put it in a garlic presser when you cook?


Active Member
the best cure is prevention IMO
always QT new inhabitants for at least 1 month before placing in the DT.
a)start with a QT tank that has no calcium based or porous substances in it, IE. LR, Sand of any type...
b)make sure it has some 'clean' hiding places. IE. PVC piping, fake corals...
c)consider covering the bottom to avoid mirror effect, which disorients and stresses fish.
d) raise temp to 80 degress
e) hook up UV sterilizer properly
f)starting at normal SAL , 1.021-1.025, slowly drop SAL to 1.009 over 48 hours.
g)watch pH level, buff if necesary.
h)count 3 weeks from the moment there are no parasites visible at which point:
i)slowly raise SAL back up to DT level over 1 week.
j)drip acclimate and enjoy your new inhabitants :)