Your Best Christmas Present EVER


Active Member
So in reading about the XBOX, I've seen a few Christmas lists

Times: they have changed.
I remember going through the big Sears catalog, making up my list.
Always on it: EZ Bake oven (never got one since, uh, Santa thought he delivered one to a sibling and it was in the basement).
I have very fond memories of a year where I got construction paper, markers, and glitter. I don't know how old I was. Maybe 14.

And then, the greatest family gift: the ColecoVision.
So, how about it? Favorite presents? Favorite memories? Current wish list for comparisons?


Member favorite one I remember was my play kitchen. Must have been in first grade, and I played with that thing ALL the time. Even had a red & white checkered curtain covering a pretend window above the sink. Oh how I loved that kitchen...
And in the 5th grade, my brother & I got a trampoline. You know, the really safe kind with no net, no pads over the springs... My dad & grandpa stayed up all Christmas Eve after we went to bed to put it together in the back yard...


Active Member
favorite was the GIANT box full of teenage mutant ninja turtles figurines...haha, i basically had to crawl in it to get the the was full, but there were a lot of em, i loved those so much!!! hmm....maybe that was for a birthday, id ont really remember i was 5 or so...but either way it was my fav gift that i can remember :eek:) its so hard for me to come up with christmas lists far most has been saltwater stuff


Active Member
My two most memerable were when I was around 11, I got a parakeet, we had been watching Gremlins earlier that day so my parents made me close my eyes and my Dad said that I had three rules about my present, lol.
Then a few years later I got my first fishtank for Christmas and that was all she wrote.

darth tang

Active Member
I was into transformers and Gi Joe real bad when I was about eleven. I had just about everything. Then they came out with the Gi Joe battleship. A full seven feet of cool toy. I wanted it so bad. That was the only thing I asked for. Needless to say, I got it....already set up in front of the tree christmas morning. It was awesome.


Active Member
OUr kids got a Play Station a few years back. The smiles and celebration was shear joy and we caught it on video. It looks like they won an olmypic GOLD medal. Priceless. . .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
OUr kids got a Play Station a few years back. The smiles and celebration was shear joy and we caught it on video. It looks like they won an olmypic GOLD medal. Priceless. . .
That’s what I am really looking forward to. I can’t wait till our little one is old enough to open gifts and appreciate Christmas!


Active Member
Ok TOTALLY momish of me but my son!!
He was a little after Christmas but (the 30th) he was having some troubles while incubating!
Also my 1 carat ring that took me ten years to finally get from my husband!!


Active Member
hahaha push gas leaf blower, portable table saw, joiinter and drill press(this years gift), yup i already know what its gonna be lol :jumping: :jumping:


So, nobody else had the little farm with 10 thousand animals?? A fence, a silo, and if you were rich a tractor (which I didn't have by the way). All day I played wih those animals. Cows, horses, pigs...
Now... I'm not sure... Nothin' really that I want.


Active Member
for Chanuka one year my parents bought me a bouncy horse - like a rocking horse, only it was suspended in the air on a big metal stand and connected with springs so you could sit on it and bounce up and down and up and down and up and down and up...
Oh my g-d I miss my horsie.


Active Member
wasnt one i got...but one i gave...
my family and i went to hawaii and i took over 2000 pix...i gave my family an album that consisted of the best pix of each moment...we still talk about it to this day...


So, how about it? Favorite presents? Favorite memories? Current wish list for comparisons?
Favorite Christmas?
Everyone I knew and loved was alive, and we knew the true meaning of Christmas!


Originally Posted by keleighr
Ok TOTALLY momish of me but my son!!
Another totally Momish item but - when my son was a baby the doctor noticed that he had restricted arteries from the lower portion of his heart that would require sugery before his second birthday. On December 23, 2002 I took him to the cardiologist for his checkup and she looked baffeled when she watched the screen to see how the blood flow rate was going. Somehow his body in a matter of the 2 months since we saw her healed itself and he did not need surgery and his heart was working correctly.
He is my Christmas miracle and since then I have never wanted another present at Christmas again.
BUT if my husband happens to read this I wouldnt say no to a 1 carrat ring that someone mentioned above!!


Active Member
BUT if my husband happens to read this I wouldnt say no to a 1 carrat ring that someone mentioned above