Your best gift you got!


Active Member
So what was your best gift you got? For me its my 2 fish that my dad brought home for surprise, lionfish and a butterfly fish! Or was it that weight lifting bench???
Nah, definitly the fish. So what was yours?


Active Member
My parents got all the books and everything worked for me to padi scuba certified! Plus a bunch of other stuff like a sweet cordless mouse and keyboard, clothes and cash, and tools for my truck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ross
My parents got all the books and everything worked for me to padi scuba certified!....

LOL, you're now about to be addicted to the 2 most expensive hobbies legally possible!
Me and my friends dive every summer, then I spend the rest of the year trying to add stuff to my aquarium to make it look more like what I've seen.


Active Member
i got $130 too from my grandparents, dunno what i should spend it on? Lizard or refugium? Definitly a refugium LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
LOL, you're now about to be addicted to the 2 most expensive hobbies legally possible!
Me and my friends dive every summer, then I spend the rest of the year trying to add stuff to my aquarium to make it look more like what I've seen.

Yeah, im definetly gonna be broke with both these hobbies. Where do you dive? Im in San Antonio, not too awful far from you. I think im gonna take my open water dive in maybe Canyon lake, not sure...have you ever been to the flower garden reef or whatever it is called off the texas coast? Where do you shop for all your stuff?


Active Member
Well, I got a new it!...and 220$, which I have already used to order an RO unit, the filter for my soon-to-be QT tank, the decore for my soon-to-be qt, and 160 gallons worth of instant ocean sea salt mix. But that is just from my nuclear family, I will probably be getting some more money, and lots of cool stuff from the rest of my family this evening.


Active Member
hey started snowing here at 12:15 am this morning, just in time for Santa.
( I was happy yesterday and the day before when it was about 60


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ross
Yeah, im definetly gonna be broke with both these hobbies. Where do you dive? Im in San Antonio, not too awful far from you. I think im gonna take my open water dive in maybe Canyon lake, not sure...have you ever been to the flower garden reef or whatever it is called off the texas coast? Where do you shop for all your stuff?
Well, I've heard Travis Lake is good. We did our check out dives in a little "dive" park just east of Dallas (in Terrell). Good training site, but not much more. We've dove the Athens Dive Park. yucky dive. It's an old limestone quarry I think. Anyway, NOTHING lives in the lake. Nothing. Was creepy.
Get my gear from online mostly. like Aquarium stuff, much cheaper online. I rent out the back of our family's Insurance Agency to a Dive Instructor for dirt cheap, so I get my classes, tanks, etc. for free

Flower Gardens is a good dive I hear. Never dove it.
There is an abandoned nuclear missile silo in Abilene that has been turned into a dive park. Sounds sweet, but the cost is goofy. They say you can see skeletons of animals that fell into the silo and drowned.. plus you suit up in the old control room. Walk past blast doors, etc. Will do it one day just for the experience.
Every summer me and a couple of friends travel (started 3 years ago) and dive. My first dive was the Great Barrier Reef (unreal... the entire continent of Australia is simply unreal, plus you can travel there fairly cheaply... experience of a life time), 2 Years ago we dove Bonaire in the Caribbean (great shore diving ), and last summer dove Cozumel (decent diving, plus cheap... , and you can log some serious dives... we made 15 dives in 5 days.... enough that we started getting light headed when we were descending and decided we better slow down :thinking:. Saving money for big trip this summer). We are going back to the Pacific this year, hopefully Palau. Caribbean is cheaper and easier to get too, and is great.. but you can't be the diversity of life in the S Pacific.
For gear, I just read a lot of reviews on gear, found what I liked and bought it online. You can save a ton of money that way.
Rental gear is ok, but once you breath into a quality regulator you'll never rent one again. An integrated dive computer is also a must, plus good fins...
I'm heading to San Antone tomorrow to see family for the week


Nothing compared to the experiance journey had with diving:)
My girlfriend bought me a refractometer and a piece of coral 14 by 18
But the best gift i got was that my kids drove to see me(now I know I am Old)
and the best part, they did not hit me up for gas
have a nice holiday everyone


i got a zen micro. its awesome. but i also got 135$ maybe 155$. and you know what that is right? its a start on either a 30 gallon lionfish tank or a 30 gallon fw tank. it all depends on how much money i make between now and my birthday and and how much money i get for my birthday.


i got a sewing machine, a really really nice watch, and the first season of I love lucy!!! Those are the best presents i got, but there were others, such as games, clothes, books, and other stuff along those lines...