Your Fav. Fish


Active Member
My favorite fish is the black onyx perc, but I don' have one yet. So the next best would be sunburst anthias.


All my fish are my favorite but right now I'm just having such a good time with my little picasso. Funny little thing, he sleeps in a big barnacle and in the morning when he's ready to come out, he will back out a bit, then go back in. Back out, go in. Then he will come out far enough so that his little beady eyes can see over the edge of the barnacle and he'll look and look all around to see what's there! Here's Bubba after a big meal....

nm reef

Active Member
h* I believe I have a few favorites I can add...

First is my flame longer with me ... but still a favorite.

nm reef

Active Member
Next up on my favorites list is my foxfaced rabbitfish...a gret addition that can help control pest algaes.....

nm reef

Active Member
...and I have a orange spotted goby (with his buddy the tiger pistol shrimp)...the goby is a camera hog....


nm reef

Active Member
My regal/hippo tang is my personal favorite...and the favorite of my numerous nieces and nephews...and his name is NOT Dory....its in Jessie James....
