Your guidance appreciated...


I always try to research first and then come and ask newbie questions, but I am just not an efficient searcher, apparently. I am trying to stock my 50 gallon. I have some fish in mind, but I would really appreciate you all guiding me. I tried cross referencing, but am easily confused. I figured it is safer just to ask you.
I will be starting with fish and inverts, but would like to be able add some easy corals in the future. The tank is freshly cycled and I will not rush into fully stocking. Also, the LR is not fully established, so I know I need to wait to add some fish that may require established rock/aquarium.
I would like, if they will work together:
2 blue damsels
1 yellow tang
2 perc. clown
1 bicolor angel
1 blenny
1 mandarin (after all is well established)
I would like to add several snails, hermits, 1 sallylightfoot, 1 brittle star, and a shrimp or two. Any suggestions?
Ok. Let me have it. Am I dreaming? Overshooting? Just plain wrong? If one or more of the above will not work, can you suggest a replacement? Also, are there any that I should wait to put in until the tank is older?
Thanks, all! :help:


Active Member
First I would advoid the damsels. I have one damsel that doesn't cause any problems but I've had two that were pests.. Maybe try chomises instead... Also I personally think 50 gal is too small for a yellow tang but that is just my opinion.. The rest seems fine to me, I have a similar stocking list in my 65... One other thing, I've heard sally lightfoots get mean as they get old so maybe an emerald crab would be better... Once again just my opinion..


I don't like damsels but thats just me the rest sounds fine to me...JMO

Oh I would replace them with a Royal Gramma and Firefish Goby..just my $.02


Hhhmmm. I read that the yellow tang would be comfortable in anything 45gal and over. Is this not the case? If the 50gal is too small for the tang, can you recommend something else in its place? Could I replace it with a watchman goby (even with the future mandarin)?
The two damsels are a done deal. My son picked them out. Will they cause a huge problem or is it more a matter of personal preference?
Could I fit a Royal Gramma in or is this pushing it?
I want a selection with a mix of personalities and colors. I guess I'm being a little girly...but I also want compatibility.
New question. If I am going to add corals, should I do it before the fish or after?


Active Member
There are alot of opinions on how big of a tank for a yellow tang, I wouldn't say 50 gal is too horribily small for a tang BUT I would recommend a bigger tank or a different fish. I don't think you would have a problem with a yellow watchman and a future mandrin, you may have a problem with the yellow watchman and a blenny (depending on which blenny you get) . I think a royal gramma would be fine... If you are planning on coral you might want to advoid the bicolor angel. I have no experience with any angels but I have heard some can nip at certain corals...
As far as when to add corals I don't believe it matters, I had all my fish before I started to add any corals and this caused no problems at all..


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
you may have a problem with the yellow watchman and a blenny (depending on which blenny you get) .
I was thinking of a bicolor blenny.
If you are planning on coral you might want to advoid the bicolor angel. I have no experience with any angels but I have heard some can nip at certain corals...
Anyone had a problem with the bicolor angel and corals?


Active Member
I think bi-color blenny's are awesome! I have been wanting one for quite awhile now.. I can't think of any problem with both the watchman goby and a bi-color blenny in your tank.
As for the bi-color angel, I just looked at the info this site offers for them and they say it is reef safe so I am probably wrong... Like I said I have experience with angels...


Blenny's are the coolest, i would get a lawnmower blenny bc of their personalities and ability to eat algae in the tank....As for the damsels, my first fish was a 3 stripe damsel which i still have today and is a joy to watch with the other fish, i did have the experience to own a blue devil damsel and you want to stay away from those ....had mine only a week before i brought it back to my lfs , way to aggresive.....
everything else is seems ok, the angels you can only stock one per tank bc of their aggresiveness towards their own, and whether or not your making your tank into a reef or fish only is another reason to do some more researching....i have an angel in my reef, one of the few thats reef safe, lamark angel, very cool fish.....Yellow tang prob needs a 65g or more to be happy, i own one and they also are a very curious fish that has a temper when anything is added after they established they domain....usually in 24hrs or so they get aquainted with the new ones but some YTs are very very aggressive.....
Cleanup crew is a toss up, snails, hermits, gobies (i never liked bc they tend to be very scared of larger fish) ...crabs (not a fan either due to their activity at night and knocking over small corals) .....sand sifting star, mandarins etc...all need a very established tank full of life to survive, and even than the mandarins are very hard to keep....


Active Member
As far as damsels go.. I have had three.. Started my tank with a blue damsel and a domino damsel.. The domino damsel was a bully up to the day he died, I later replaced him with a three striped damsel who was even meaner so I got rid of him. I have never had any problems with my blue damsel.


I really appreciate everyone's input! This is harder than planning a wedding. Seriously.
Here is an updated list based on more research and your input. How am I doing?
2 Damsels
1 Coral Beauty
1 Watchman Goby
1 Bi-color Blenny
2 False Percs
1 Royal Gramma
Am I still on base? When the time comes, I may put in a Lawnmower Blenny instead of the Bi-color--depends upon the algae issue. But, I really like the Bi-color....shrug....that won't be for a little while, though.
Cleanup Crew
1 Sallylightfoot
1 Emerald Crab
2 Red Legged Hermit Crabs
Turbo Snails
Cerith Snails
1 Brittlestar
More changes or suggestions?


Active Member
I think it sounds great... As far as lawnmower versus bi-color blenny.. Bi-color blenny's eat algae also and in my opinion they look awesome so I would stick with the bi-color idea...
Sally lightfoots kind of freak me out so I wouldn't chose one for my tank but thats just my opinion...
I hope I was able to help some. Go luck with your wedding, I mean fish tank!


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I think it sounds great... As far as lawnmower versus bi-color blenny.. Bi-color blenny's eat algae also and in my opinion they look awesome so I would stick with the bi-color idea...
I really like the bi-color, too. So, I probably will stick with it.

Sally lightfoots kind of freak me out so I wouldn't chose one for my tank but thats just my opinion...
I love the Sallys. They are elegantly freaky!
I hope I was able to help some. Go luck with your wedding, I mean fish tank!
Definitely a big help! I've waited so long for a saltwater tank, and now that I think about may cost as much as my wedding, too. :scared:

I think I'm going to start with the Coral Beauty and the Goby. And the damsels, of course. For my son. Can't wait to post pics. The rock may not be pretty, but it'll have fish!!!!


Originally Posted by ophiura
I'm sorry if I missed it but do you have the dimensions of this tank?

Ophiura--are you going to crush my wish list?
36 x 21 x 12
If it must be so, be gentle.


Active Member
IMO add the two blue damsels and the clean up crew.
Don't get fancy with the aquascapeing as most of the rock will need to be moved when you want to remove the damsels.
Enjoy the damsels for a few months and let the rock and tank age. Any major mistakes made during this period means no big financial hit.
After a few months, maybe three, remove the damsels and start with the percs. These two fish will mirror the bio load that was on the tank with the damsels almost perfectly. After that your good to go but add any dwarf angels last.
Bi colors are finicky eaters and the largest of the dwarf angels. I would suggest a cherub/pygmy, flame, coral beauty or even a singapore as an alternative.
Hardy beginner corals any time after the damsels removal. Purple mushrooms are a good start.