I always try to research first and then come and ask newbie questions, but I am just not an efficient searcher, apparently. I am trying to stock my 50 gallon. I have some fish in mind, but I would really appreciate you all guiding me. I tried cross referencing, but am easily confused. I figured it is safer just to ask you.
I will be starting with fish and inverts, but would like to be able add some easy corals in the future. The tank is freshly cycled and I will not rush into fully stocking. Also, the LR is not fully established, so I know I need to wait to add some fish that may require established rock/aquarium.
I would like, if they will work together:
2 blue damsels
1 yellow tang
2 perc. clown
1 bicolor angel
1 blenny
1 mandarin (after all is well established)
I would like to add several snails, hermits, 1 sallylightfoot, 1 brittle star, and a shrimp or two. Any suggestions?
Ok. Let me have it. Am I dreaming? Overshooting? Just plain wrong? If one or more of the above will not work, can you suggest a replacement? Also, are there any that I should wait to put in until the tank is older?
Thanks, all! :help:
I will be starting with fish and inverts, but would like to be able add some easy corals in the future. The tank is freshly cycled and I will not rush into fully stocking. Also, the LR is not fully established, so I know I need to wait to add some fish that may require established rock/aquarium.
I would like, if they will work together:
2 blue damsels
1 yellow tang
2 perc. clown
1 bicolor angel
1 blenny
1 mandarin (after all is well established)
I would like to add several snails, hermits, 1 sallylightfoot, 1 brittle star, and a shrimp or two. Any suggestions?
Ok. Let me have it. Am I dreaming? Overshooting? Just plain wrong? If one or more of the above will not work, can you suggest a replacement? Also, are there any that I should wait to put in until the tank is older?
Thanks, all! :help: