Your hammer coral location(s)


Active Member
Just picked up a huge hammer coral today for 32 bucks and im checkin around and seeing it should be placed on the bottom.... I have seen lots of hammers placed mid-way in the tank.. was curious what experiences people have had with theirs in different locations and such.


Active Member
Mine is at the top because i only have pc lighting, would rather put him down further, what does everyone think? I have 260 pc lighting.


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What size is your tank? They do not require metal halide lighting, pc is ok with these as long as your lights go with your size tank.


Active Member
I have mine about half way up in a 55g under PCs. My branching hammer is currently my favorite LPS I have... I got it for a 6g nano I was running at the time. It started as a single head and now has split into 4. It's growing rather slow so I may move it to the top of the rocks?!
They do not require MHs but they will do well under them!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I have a 75. Does the hammer look alittle pale to you?
It does a little but what lighting is it under??


Active Member
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted a green branching hammer.. but when I inquired bout the prices of one around here... 74 dollars.. so I went to another place with just a regular hammer and it was 32.. so I had to take it. Is there a way to propagate a normal hammer? To me it doesnt look possible :p


Active Member
it looked greener when i first got it. I also like the darker green like yours reefnut, didn't even know they came in colors. Oh well, just have to get another one i guess, i will leave mine where it is, seems to be doing fine there, i guess :notsure: its supposed to look pale.


Active Member
i keep ours about lower to mid tank does great.
the branches are pushed into a crack on the rocks so that onyl the head show. we got him with 4 head and now there are 8


Active Member
Speg, it is possible to frag a anchor hammer but it is difficult... not something I would recommend.
puffer, how long have you had the hammer?? If it's new I would just give it time and it should darken back up.
oceana, what lighting is it under??


Active Member
2x96 pc
here is a before and after pic
first is right after we got it
second is yesterday
