Your Kind advice please .. (Filtration system)


Hello saltwater fans,
I’m going to start my new 90 gallons reef tank soon, so I just want one small advice from you guys.
I tried to make a sump to my tank but it is really difficult for my tank arrangement & it requires lots of work to implement it.
So I’m planning to start my tank with only two filters: 1- wet dry filter (which is already with the tank) with some bio balls.
2- external filter with internal UV lamp ( capacity 530 g/h)
So the Q is, am I going to survive with this filtration system???no sump no skimmer?


And another Q, I have four compartments in the external filter, what is the best media for my tank?carbon??ceramic??ammonia remover?
Thanks in advance :D


Well-Known Member

I use two canister filters for my 90g...I don't have a sump either.
Media, I use carbon and those white bio beads, with filter pads, if I am having any issues I use some Purigen, it is expensive but it works great.
Oh, and I do use a skimmer, it doesn't work too well but I have it going..


Well-Known Member
You can still run an external skimmer if you wanted too...they don't need to be in sumps. It would be better if you could install one for sure otherwise you are going to have to more frequent water changes. They are highly recommended on reef tanks.
Just my .02


Thank you flower for always being the 1st who replies on my threads, I really want to start a reef tank, & now im thinking of replacing the stand just to make a sump underneath. how lond youve been running your tank?
2Quills; you are right, its highly recommended, but I dont have a decint place for hand type skimmers.
I guess I have no choice but to make new stand with sump & everything.


Hey all,
I have another solutin if it is possible,can I put the protine skimmer inside the tank and the top portion is above the water level??I cant use the hang on back type, but if I can put the skimmer inside, that would solve my issue.