Your Suggestions - 55g


Active Member
Ok well all aggressive fish such as eels and lionfish have been taken off the list. Lionfish would have worked but my parents..well..they didn't like the poisonous part about them.
The fish have to get along with a Janss' pipefish. They have to be fine in a 55g full grown as well. (55 long)
Current Fish:
Janss' Pipefish
Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Saltwater Mollies + Babies
Coral Banded Shrimp
what would YOU get? any cool fish that would work in this? just looking for suggestions on cool fish.


Active Member
thanks. it's not gonna have any corals but i would like to have a few different cool inverts.


Active Member
a maroon probably wouldn't like the pipefish and be picking on it (and the mollies).
plus i'm gonna try to go for a tranquil fish tank. since i can't have any of the cool aggressive fish.
i'm going to the store today and i'm gonna talk to the guys there about some stuff and maby get something to start off with. i found a sweet store in another town nearby too.
i looked at pictures of the fish suggested. i have always liked firefish. the fairy wrasse was prettry sweet, the pygmy angel was cool, and the sixline wasn't bad. i'm also thinking about a kole tang (was very awesome) like in oneradtek's tank.