YT Damsil spawning?


Active Member
I have a pair of yellow tail damsils and they just laid eggs like a month ago but none survived im sure all were eaten :nope:
however looking at the female one again today its belly is really fat.... how often can these fish spawn??
is there ever a way to keep the lil bugers alive or is it useless??


Active Member
um most likly the wont be able to live unless you design a special tank, then they still might not live. up to u if you want to prepare for them


Active Member
yah i guess i dont wanna do a seperate tank so they will just be food to the other fish and things....
thanks for the info though


Active Member
yup they laid some eggs again on the back of the tank by a rock....
this is the 2nd time theyve ever spawned but its been within a time period of like a month how often do they do this??
is it common for them to lay eggs twice in one month??